Dr. GONZO in de Hizzouse

The fate of the free world depends on you hooking up with a first lady.

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QuadShotz said:
BTW, I voted 4 Hillary..I'm sure she's just FULL of revenge sex needs...plus she's prolly got good cigars. Oh, and Barb is actually a man baybee... ;)
I can always make myself guffaw thinking of what either of thier "O" faces look like....:shocked:
Central CT in Plantsville next to Southington -- Familiar with the area?
Just speaking this evening w' a Nutmeg State native about expanding our presence on retail shelves in your neighborhood. Looking to do a quick meet and greet tour followed with a tasting schedule. Let me know if there is a specialty food emporium that needs our products and I'll try to make it happen for you. All the best, the "Good Doctor"
the "Good Doctor" said:
PS: Love the Mullet and the manifestos on your site. Almost as much fun as reading Teddy Kaczynski's work!!

Mhat's actually my mullet and site not Cunuk's. He's another one of the "Passow/IGG avatar" people. Glad you like my site and I am honored to be compaired to another genus crazy person (hey, gotta take compliments when you get em ;) )