Dragons harvest stealing pics

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Hi Derek,
did you manage to get this issue resolved?
I've just checked out the website and there is no link to any seeds now?
only a few photos on the front page
he has lots of pics on his google + acct.

you can click on the photo, click options, and contest the pics that are yours. Google will handle that too
I believe this is the one:
Google also has a URL removal tool. I used it to remove objectional content about a girlfriend that someone maliciously posted online.

I believe one of the submission options was for "site not authorized to display content" or something like that.
Photos are your intellectual property as soon as you take them. Watermark or not people are required by law to ask your permission to copy them. Because this is the internet it happens all the time with little enforcement. This holyest of all no nos however is to copy and use others photos for profit, this however is taken very seriously and a business can easily file a lawsuit and win for damages.
Dunno the legal aspect but what a ridiculously douchey response to a reasonable request. . Antisemetism, hostility and aggression. Fascinating that anyone could be in business with this kind of crappy attitude.
yes this bothered me too, i am not jewish but have a love for israel and that just does not fly with me, i dont mind if people useing my pics but this guys attitude really suck and for that and the other reasons i wouldnt buy a single seed from him!!, you know the saying what comes around goes around, and when it comes back around it bites you where the sun dosnt shine!!, i feel he probably wont be in bussiness too long with an attitude like that, there are plenty of others to buy from out there so he could find him self soon S.O.L. THANKS YOUR FRIEND JOE
Hi Derek,
did you manage to get this issue resolved?
I've just checked out the website and there is no link to any seeds now?
only a few photos on the front page

There is just one pic of mine on his weebly site, but I see other stolen pics and charts. I don't have a google+ account yet so I haven't checked there. Did his facebook account get permanently closed?
I just noticed his prices lol 12 seeds for $7.50
Yes, it happens to me all the time but most people know when they are legally wrong and try to avoid having their business and websites shut down. It seems this guy is blameing the photographer(me) for making pics available for theft, actually he seems to think any pic posted on the internet is free and that taking a pic is too easy to involve copyright laws :(
It's simple just contact his hosting company and tell them they are in violation for hosting copyrighted material. Include original links of the material name of the file and date time it was taken and then include your page and his page as a reference. Most ISP's will take the initiative and shut down his entire page and or just cancel his account because he is violating his terms of agreement by publishing copyrighted to his page. It may be a good idea to include his full e-mail as well. I used to run the security dept for a HUGE ISP and I would personally terminate several accounts a day for violating the TOA and every ISP has one.

Then return the favor by leaving negative reviews anywhere you can like yelp, google, etc etc.
Yes, but Weebly has this protocol which seems like a bunch of lawyer talk

It's not too bad. Here is a simplification of those requirements as I understand them to be. Somebody please correct me if I've misunderstood anything.
  1. Your signature, either written or digital (perhaps you can scan it?)
  2. List of the items he is illegally using
  3. List of places where he is using your stuff illegally. You should include a way for them to easily find them (ie including URLs to the pages)
  4. Give them information on how to contact you
  5. Give them a statement saying that he is not authorized to use your stuff
  6. Give them a statement that you aren't lying.
I think he might like it if a lot of people photoshopped his logo onto a picture of a donkey's butt and posted it everywhere.
Use his logo everywhere-porn sites...

He likes sharing , right?
Share his sites E mail address as often as possible.
Make him spend most of his time changing addresses because he gets too much spam.

Maybe forward all your spam to his E mail address...

Tell all the "You just won a gazillion dollars" scam guys his E mail address is the one they should use to get in touch with you(using his name...).
Share all that kind of stuff with him. :)
He'd REALLY like it I'm sure.
Sign him up with a bunch of Skinhead sites newsletters since he seems like that kind of guy.
Give him a Jewish user name to sign him up with on a KKK site.

Then he'll really get some well deserved loving. LOL

Adding his phone # from his site would be a nice touch.

Maybe some hardcore bondage sights too.
Tell them he REALLY,REALLY likes being abused.
Keep those calls and E mails coming,no matter what he writes back...
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