Dragons harvest stealing pics

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Or better yet, you can find out who his seed supplier is (pretty sure he doesn't grow them himself or he might actually have pics of his own) and see if they also supply anyone on here...then threaten to boycott if they continue to supply him. Just a thought.
Alot of lawyers will write a nastygram to him for free in hopes of having you as a client for future endeavors. I have found that to be quite effective.
The latest message from Dragon's harvest

"People like you are sad. It is so hard, time consuming and expensive to set up a business and people like you just make it impossible. You just take a picture and think that other people owe you something for it, that is crazy.

MOST Seed businesses do not grow there own seeds, there are growers and seed distributors. How am I to take a picture of a plant I do not grow? I could buy one but with the cost of permits... well, I don't need to make a list of the hundreds of expenses needed to start a business. I understand that you were making simple request but I stay up for days on end trying to set things up and now I have some asshole on my Facebook telling me to do something else and other people talking shit as a result OF YOUR POST on Facebook! I don't mind you posting on that hot pepper forum, I sell seed in person and was in the middle of setting up a site, Facebook etc. I will take down my sites pictures and will not have a facebook twitter etc. or sell seed online. It is kind of it's own beast anyway. People like you are the reason that there is so much suffering in the world as your lack of a heart and ability to share is shared by too many.

I can now focus on in person sales at farmers markets and such. I could go onto forums, Facebook etc. and talk shit about you but that would bring me down to your level. I will leave it at that. Thanks, Alex"

my response
"Talk shit about me, why not the truth? You are the one breaking the law stealing copyrighted pics and I will now do what it takes to stop you since you are being such an a-hole. Learn the laws, pics aren't free, and your attitude stinks too. If I really wanted to I would have shut down your google+ account which has stolen pics, and your weebly site too, but I thought I'd let you think about things first. Please stop using pics without permission or I'll be forced to seek legal action. Do yourself a favor and learn the laws and learn some manners while you're at it"

It appears all sites and pics are now down :)
The latest message from Dragon's harvest

"People like you are sad. It is so hard, time consuming and expensive to set up a business and people like you just make it impossible. You just take a picture and think that other people owe you something for it, that is crazy.

MOST Seed businesses do not grow there own seeds, there are growers and seed distributors. How am I to take a picture of a plant I do not grow? I could buy one but with the cost of permits... well, I don't need to make a list of the hundreds of expenses needed to start a business. I understand that you were making simple request but I stay up for days on end trying to set things up and now I have some asshole on my Facebook telling me to do something else and other people talking shit as a result OF YOUR POST on Facebook! I don't mind you posting on that hot pepper forum, I sell seed in person and was in the middle of setting up a site, Facebook etc. I will take down my sites pictures and will not have a facebook twitter etc. or sell seed online. It is kind of it's own beast anyway. People like you are the reason that there is so much suffering in the world as your lack of a heart and ability to share is shared by too many.

I can now focus on in person sales at farmers markets and such. I could go onto forums, Facebook etc. and talk shit about you but that would bring me down to your level. I will leave it at that. Thanks, Alex"

my response
"Talk shit about me, why not the truth? You are the one breaking the law stealing copyrighted pics and I will now do what it takes to stop you since you are being such an a-hole. Learn the laws, pics aren't free, and your attitude stinks too. If I really wanted to I would have shut down your google+ account which has stolen pics, and your weebly site too, but I thought I'd let you think about things first. Please stop using pics without permission or I'll be forced to seek legal action. Do yourself a favor and learn the laws and learn some manners while you're at it"

It appears all sites and pics are now down :)

Love how he tries to flip it when he is the one that started in with the disrespectful and prejudicial comments toward jews. All you did was inform him that he needed permission before using the photos. If he knew the people on here a little better, he would realize that if he would have been nice and respectful from the beginning most of the folks on here would have been happy to help him out with some photos! Good job busting his bubble. That guy is a jackass...
You know, you can't fix stupid.

He doesn't want to know about copyright laws. Somebody will have to do a significant landing on his butt to get his attention. Somebody will do it, it's just a matter of time.
Ok guys …. How is everybody….. thank you POTAWIE for starting this topic even though you had me going through my deleted messages and tried several things before I can figure out how to share this email with you guys.
This email was sent to me on Sat, 7 Jan 2012 00:01:13 -0700
Here is the email :





3 bags? That is all it says. How many seeds are in a bag? You probably have mental problems so you do not put the weight or number of seeds on your site. Sad I have hundreds to spend. I will go somewhere where they actually know how to set up a site and run a business.

Here is reply
hi alex
every bag has at 20 + seeds...
thank you for the question

I don’t even know who this clown is…. I was like why he is being so butthole just by asking the question ..
Then he sent me a message saying “good luck with your scam” so I had feeling that this is a jealous seed sell that doesn’t have life .

here is the email

Just saw this thread and now have an urge to stab this guy in his puny little neck. He needs some learnin put on his a$$.
Ok guys …. How is everybody….. thank you POTAWIE for starting this topic even though you had me going through my deleted messages and tried several things before I can figure out how to share this email with you guys.
This email was sent to me on Sat, 7 Jan 2012 00:01:13 -0700
Here is the email :





3 bags? That is all it says. How many seeds are in a bag? You probably have mental problems so you do not put the weight or number of seeds on your site. Sad I have hundreds to spend. I will go somewhere where they actually know how to set up a site and run a business.

Here is reply
hi alex
every bag has at 20 + seeds...
thank you for the question

I don’t even know who this clown is…. I was like why he is being so butthole just by asking the question ..
Then he sent me a message saying “good luck with your scam” so I had feeling that this is a jealous seed sell that doesn’t have life .

here is the email


BWAAAHAHAHAHHAHGHAGHAGHAHAHA!!!... that's hilarious... i love it...
Hmmm, I saw that on THSC's Facebook.
It reeks of incompetence...
How can you trust seeds from a source that has no original images of their plants/pods?
I think he needs his blood pressure taken.

Here is the email :





3 bags? That is all it says. How many seeds are in a bag? You probably have mental problems so you do not put the weight or number of seeds on your site. Sad I have hundreds to spend. I will go somewhere where they actually know how to set up a site and run a business.

Wow... What a :cencored:
So much hostility... And totally unprovoked.
I suspect this is his atypical Internet manner.
And "good with YOUR scam"???
He's just reselling it seems, and you run a damn good service... Oh, the idiocy.
Painfully, society is putting out more and more people like this guy :( ...That is what makes this site so fantastic..I've never seen such generosity and good will toward one another as I have on this site..Many can learn ALOT from this site!
A lot of people who are 'overly aggressive' on the Internet are that way to compensate for their shortcomings in real life.

We should feel pity for this guy, he is pathetic and sad.
Ok guys …. How is everybody….. thank you POTAWIE for starting this topic even though you had me going through my deleted messages and tried several things before I can figure out how to share this email with you guys.
This email was sent to me on Sat, 7 Jan 2012 00:01:13 -0700
Here is the email :





3 bags? That is all it says. How many seeds are in a bag? You probably have mental problems so you do not put the weight or number of seeds on your site. Sad I have hundreds to spend. I will go somewhere where they actually know how to set up a site and run a business.

Here is reply
hi alex
every bag has at 20 + seeds...
thank you for the question

I don’t even know who this clown is…. I was like why he is being so butthole just by asking the question ..
Then he sent me a message saying “good luck with your scam” so I had feeling that this is a jealous seed sell that doesn’t have life .

here is the email


Wow...this just keeps getting better! I stated earlier that he was probably a middle man just shuffling seeds if he didn't have his own pictures...and that if we searched we could probably figure out his suppliers. Lol I thought he would AT LEAST have a direct seed source with a big grower somewhere, but he's just ordering and reselling. Thanks for sharing Judy...little does he know that when anyone on here is looking for seeds you are always one of the FIRST and BEST sources listed. I don't even really need any seeds right now and feel like I should order some from you anyway! I hope that if you did send him seeds that they were the only crappy batch you ever sold.

Wow...this just keeps getting better! I stated earlier that he was probably a middle man just shuffling seeds if he didn't have his own pictures...and that if we searched we could probably figure out his suppliers. Lol I thought he would AT LEAST have a direct seed source with a big grower somewhere, but he's just ordering and reselling. Thanks for sharing Judy...little does he know that when anyone on here is looking for seeds you are always one of the FIRST and BEST sources listed. I don't even really need any seeds right now and feel like I should order some from you anyway! I hope that if you did send him seeds that they were the only crappy batch you ever sold.

thank you for the reply
No I didn’t sell him anything never heard of his ass …. This message youall seeing is the first and only contact he made with me… I just simply ignored him ….
By accident I seen this post about him and I said wait minute I remember this name before so I went back to my deleted messages and I said I need to share this with you guys so you all know what kind of idiot you dealing with…
He never bough seeds from me never ask me anything this was his first ever contact with me .. Just walking in saying what he said and then he sent a message saying good luck with your scam… I am like what am I life insurance or what.. So I just ignored him and he stopped harassing me
thank you for the reply
No I didn’t sell him anything never heard of his ass …. This message youall seeing is the first and only contact he made with me… I just simply ignored him ….
By accident I seen this post about him and I said wait minute I remember this name before so I went back to my deleted messages and I said I need to share this with you guys so you all know what kind of idiot you dealing with…
He never bough seeds from me never ask me anything this was his first ever contact with me .. Just walking in saying what he said and then he sent a message saying good luck with your scam… I am like what am I life insurance or what.. So I just ignored him and he stopped harassing me

Luckily I have had no dealings with him...and with the crappy camera I have I know I am in no danger of photo theft. I just saw POTAWIE's post and started following. Some of his comments got me really riled up! He really knows how to break into the business! Hmmm, let me piss off all the biggest chiliheads world wide by being a complete jackass all while trying to start a chili seed business, real genius! I'm sure he has folks lining up to order from him now. I suspect that if Neil at THSC started digging he would find that he either made are tried to make an order from him at some point too. That's probably when he sniped Neil's photos...anyway ALL his accounts appear to be closed now. Even his youtube acct, so I guess things aren't going too well for him.
He has reason to be angry. He can't grow his own peppers/seeds, nobody wants to sell him seeds, and he doesn't have any of his own pics. Great business plan :)
Jeez.I'm starting to feel sorry for him now.

That last letter to Potawie really made me feel sorry for him.
I'm starting to tear up....

Just think how long it took him to google pics and copy them for his seed site.

All you had to do is find a few seeds,grow them out to maturity and take some measly pics and post them...

All he wants to do is profit from a few peoples hard work.

What's wrong with that?

Cracks me up,the guy that says you shouldn't value your pics is pissed because he needs them.
Thus giving them value that he claims they don't have in the first place.
They aren't supposed to be of value to anyone but him because he wants them I guess.

All you asked for,as far as I can see is credit for your pics.
What is so hard about that?
I'd think it would be easier than having to shut down all his internet stuff which seems to have happened.

He cut off his nose to spite his face.

I hope some people kept his phone # and E mail address etc.
I'd hate to read that he is missing out on a lot of spam or not getting signed up for all kinds of good stuff on the net too. :)
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