What size pipe did you you use for your manifold and distribution lines? …….The manifolds are made from 3/4" pvc and all outletshave a ball valve shutoff.
What is the joystick looking device (with the blue cap)? …...It is the controller,the one I have is programmable but usually i just do it manually by pushing a button.
I do have a PRV, it is on the right side of the riser but i just have it maxxed out and control pressure with a ball valve located at the main source connection. I guess a better prv than the one i bought would work but the 3/4" pvc ball valves are cheap.
what pressure did you reduce to?…….. The pressure is going to depend on how many of the lines you are going to have open at one time but there is a minimum pressure that is needed if you are going to use pressure regulated emitters.
My water connection is a garden hose because my garden is a ways from the house.
I use 1 gal per hour emitters but everything except watermelons, pumpkins and cantaloupe get watered 1/2 hr. at a time (and not very often) because my whole garden is covered in black plastic so the need to water is minimal.
Using a dripline to me would be defeating the purpose, you only need to water the plant directly not the spaces between them.
Opinions will differ on that one. Saves a lot of water using drippers.
I disassemble everything due to roto tilling and It is put together differently every year due to crop rotation.
You have a rather large distribution system. Is your source pressure adequate for supplying water to all your areas? If not, do you zone?……..My water pressure will supply the whole garden at once but never has it been done.
Peppers very rarely get watered all summer.
Tomatoes get water every 7-10 days
Watermelons, Pumpkins get 3 gallons of water per vine every single day rain or shine up until 2 weeks prior to harvest.
beerbreath81, it is very easy to do, i would just order what you need and do it yourself. You are going to want to tweak it to your own needs anyway.
Watering would be done only when your plants tell you to water, if they are green lush and look healthy chances are they don't need any water. If you use emitters the water is going directly to each plant and not spreading out but going down and thats exactly where you want the roots to go.
Also on the videos it shows each plant having a drip to them but then for like pumpkins, watermelons it shows a wrap around because they say the plant will get real big and need a bunch of water. I assume they mean vine plants? Safe assumption?…..Not all vines need water like watermelons and pumpkins do.
What is the adapter you are using to connect the pvc to the drip hose?……They are pvc to drip tubing connections which I think can be bought at loses. almost all of this stuff can be purchased at loses now.
What type of drip hose do you use?………. 1/2" drip tubing. I bought mine online but can be bought locally now. shipping charges for the tubing was astronomical.
What is the spacing on the drip hose?……I don't use drip hose but if you are referring to the individual lines in manifold or the emitters themselves it is whatever you want them to be for your personal setup. On mine the spacing for toms and peppers is 4' between rows and the eitters for toms is every 4' and peppers is2' if I do not want to get around very easy and 3' if i want some type of order. 2' just does not get it between pepper plants. (it gets to be a jungle that can not be walked through).
The big black thing on the left of the riser is a pellet fertilizer thingamajig but can not find the pellets so its useless so I installed a mirical grow fertilizer bottle inline where the union is on the riser.
This is what 3gallons of water a day does for watermelons. Had 2 over 50 pounds.