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seeds drooping seedlings

Hello everybody,

My brother called today and told me he has a tray of superhots falling over, heads into the soil, only one of three trays is doing this (so far). I havnt seen them myself yet and forgot to ask if they are all falling in the same direction as if reaching for the light. I will ask tomorrow. He has them in a southeast facing window. Not a lot of sun in Wisconsin right now. They are planted in miracle grow seed starting mix and still have just their baby leaves. I have been keeping my own in a fish tank with both a halogen and a grow light, most are starting their third set of leaves, all have at least two. I planted one week ahead of him. Think this is a light matter or could it be something else?

Thanks for the help
Sounds like damping off, which comes from a fungus. It's probably too late for them at this point, but to prevent it for the others, bottom-water and don't let the upper surface get wet, and be sure to run a fan on them a bit to help keep the top dry.
damping off.. hows the ventilation for his plants ? if there ain't any air circulation, it might promote fungus growth due to too much moisture.
it's my understanding that a little hydrogen peroxide mixed with the water may help to kill some bad bacteria/fungus if that is what is causing it...dunno for sure.
If they look like a lost cause i have really poured the peroxide to them, with some results but they rarly catch up to the uneffected ones. After checking light and over/underwatering i would try a dilute solution of peroxide with increasing strenght on the ones that dont respond.
tell him to prepare a chamomile tea mix, give them a little drink and cover the plants with a clear plastic dome or something similiar to your aquarium concept and put a light overhead. i even have some clear plastic water bottles that i have cut the bottom off and have covered plants with that, to make the greehouse effect.

i always keep a quart of prepared chamomile tea on hand and give my plants a little drink once a week. when i started removing my super hotties from my heated germination chamber, i had 1 bombay morich seedling that just didn't want to get out of bed. it would shrivel up and droop, i had to what it hourly. after some chamomile, i put it back in the chamber and it perk right up. i took a small plastic yogurt cup and cut out small slices and covered it, then slowly exposed it to the real world. today, he is happily enjoying the same fresh air as all the other plants.
Thanks for the help everybody, time will tell if they can be saved but at least the other two flats will be spared. I will be adding a fan to my own setup now.


To update everybody he was able to save 39 of 52! The peroxide took care of the mold and when he added the tea they perked right up! Great info from all, appreciate the help!
