Hey guys, its been awhile since i posted, starting a marriage with three kids already there makes for a crazy life! Anyways, im the one who was wondering why my 3 month old peppers (anything from fatali, habs, bhut jolokias, 7 pods, scorps) i was using miracle grow organic choice and you guys told me to get it the hell outta there! I did, and you should see the plants now! I have three plants in 5 gallon buckets, one bhut jolokia, one 7 pod and 1 butch t, planted in Fox Farms potting mix. They are freakin huge compared to where they were at when you guys helped me out (Thanks again!) Anyways, they are flowering, and the bhut jolokia has been flowerin the longest, it has one pod on it. The other flowers open up, sometimes not very full, and there is minimal pollen in it, when i touch it, (the 7 pod one has tons of pollen) anyways, they just curl up and turn yellow not just the flower but down the stem, and just fall off! I think i have counted like 70 different flowers or various stages of fruiting and i only have one! The other two plants arent that far along, but i am seeing the flower drop in those also, here is what i have done, they do have calcium in the form of bone meal every once in awhile. They were being fed fish emulsion every like 3 weeks, to be honest, i just let them recover from being in the miracle grow and let the good potting mix do the job, also, i have moved them out of direct sunlight, bc we have had 100 degree temps for awhile now and i heard sometimes cooling them off by going in some shade. I live in Kansas, so humidity is noo problem! Anyways, with that knowledge, got any ideas?? I have searched the forum and have read a bit and thats why i have come to a few things i tried to change. Any suggestions? Or anybody deal with this? Thanks guys!!!