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Droppin Flowers like CRAAAAZY!

Hey guys, its been awhile since i posted, starting a marriage with three kids already there makes for a crazy life! Anyways, im the one who was wondering why my 3 month old peppers (anything from fatali, habs, bhut jolokias, 7 pods, scorps) i was using miracle grow organic choice and you guys told me to get it the hell outta there! I did, and you should see the plants now! I have three plants in 5 gallon buckets, one bhut jolokia, one 7 pod and 1 butch t, planted in Fox Farms potting mix. They are freakin huge compared to where they were at when you guys helped me out (Thanks again!) Anyways, they are flowering, and the bhut jolokia has been flowerin the longest, it has one pod on it. The other flowers open up, sometimes not very full, and there is minimal pollen in it, when i touch it, (the 7 pod one has tons of pollen) anyways, they just curl up and turn yellow not just the flower but down the stem, and just fall off! I think i have counted like 70 different flowers or various stages of fruiting and i only have one! The other two plants arent that far along, but i am seeing the flower drop in those also, here is what i have done, they do have calcium in the form of bone meal every once in awhile. They were being fed fish emulsion every like 3 weeks, to be honest, i just let them recover from being in the miracle grow and let the good potting mix do the job, also, i have moved them out of direct sunlight, bc we have had 100 degree temps for awhile now and i heard sometimes cooling them off by going in some shade. I live in Kansas, so humidity is noo problem! Anyways, with that knowledge, got any ideas?? I have searched the forum and have read a bit and thats why i have come to a few things i tried to change. Any suggestions? Or anybody deal with this? Thanks guys!!!
The temps are too high, thatā€™s it!!

They do best in the 78Ā° to 83Ā° F rangeā€¦that has been my experience thus far. Hell, last season I had a 3 week spell of falling flowers for the very same reason. The best thing you can do is to keep them happy. They'll turn on when they're ready!!

All I can say is I been thereā€¦just have to wait it out!!
100 degree temps make the pollen sterile and shut down pod production. You can try moving to shade but it might still be too hot even in the shade.
I havent been growing peppers for long but my Bhuts have been dropping flowers all year but still have a good load of pods too. At first I was real worried with all the flowers dropping but if many more would have put out pods, my plants would be in trouble. We have gone through an extremely hot spell with little rain until just recently and now most of my plants have really slowed to almost shut down bloom production much less getting them fertilized. I think Avon Barksdale is right and they are just slowing down due to the heat. We have a few days in the mid 70's forecast so hopefully my plants will start blooming full bore again and in the mean time, start turning existing pods red. I have had mature size pods on almost every plant for a couple weeks but they just aren't turning....I am attributing that to the excessive heat. So, I would relax and let things go a bit. You are in Kansas and have a lot of time left in this growing season.
Flower drop probable causes:

1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.
+1 on too hot.

BTW, I was told by a guy out a local farm that lack of pollination will cause flower abortion. He said plant some wildflowers by the peppers and you'll be suprised how much this helps.
Hey guys, thanks. Well, the bhut is still droppin all the flowers, has one that is full grown pod, still waiting to have it ripen up, and the toehr two arent producing pods yet either. Dumb question, I thought peppers are self pollinators. Why would planting flowers next to it help? Just curious. Im new to this whole thing. Alright, well, i have just not worried about it bc ill just wait for them to do their thing! Hopefully in a month or so i will be overran with pods!
Hey guys, thanks. Well, the bhut is still droppin all the flowers, has one that is full grown pod, still waiting to have it ripen up, and the toehr two arent producing pods yet either. Dumb question, I thought peppers are self pollinators. Why would planting flowers next to it help? Just curious. Im new to this whole thing. Alright, well, i have just not worried about it bc ill just wait for them to do their thing! Hopefully in a month or so i will be overran with pods!

Well, wildflowers attract bees and such. I have a catnip plant that brings in bees and wasps by the dozen, surely they find their way over to the peppers also.
Do the blossoms drop if unpollenated? Or...even if they do get pollenated...

My scorps are dropping blossoms all the way back to where they attach...and they are all indoor plants (for now). I've been trying to drum my fingers on the stems a few times a day to shake a little pollen out...even touched a lot of the open flowers. I doubt mine is temp...could be photoperiod, since they days are just now getting longer...yet they are inside, so there's no regular light conditions.
There probably isn't any pollen being produced. If there is pollen you may need a fan or give the plants a shake now and then.

Edit:Willard's famous list was already posted
There probably isn't any pollen being produced. If there is pollen you may need a fan or give the plants a shake now and then. Heres the famous Willard list

Right...saw that earlier...probably a combo or 6, 7, and 8 for me, since they are inside.