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Drum and Bass

I remember when all these different genre's were played in the 90's. I don't listen to drum & bass though. I listen to Aphex Twins' "Windowlicker" & "Rhubarb" though. I read where his music is considered "Ambient". I remember another genre from the 90's referred to as "Jungle"
I'm all about the DnB. My wife is too. It just sucks that the genre has pretty much been pushed out of the way by Dubstep, the bastard stepchild of EDM.

I remember another genre from the 90's referred to as "Jungle"

Jungle was the precursor of DnB. They are very similar, but DnB is a lot more evolved.
I'm all about the DnB. My wife is too. It just sucks that the genre has pretty much been pushed out of the way by Dubstep, the bastard stepchild of EDM.

Jungle was the precursor of DnB. They are very similar, but DnB is a lot more evolved.

All VERY VERY true. Gotta love the neurofunk and tech step pioneers, Kemal and Rob data, also known as Konflict. All good drum and bass died out around '06 but there are some producers keeping it real. Ed rush and Optical for instance.

Also gotta put the Bad Company UK out there and some liquid names like calibre, klute and LTJ Bukem.

Love me a little ambient too.

Aphex twin is legendary.

While im on that liquid bit, check this roller from d brige and fierce, twilight (2004). Wait for the drop at 3:20...

bwaaahahahahahahahahhahahaha ha hahahahhahahahah ha

when i clicked on this i was really hoping for some real drums and real bass talk. oh well carry on.

Here's a classic. There are actually a lot of old school tracks on YouTube. I think I might be doing some digging.
My favorite source.

Good to use Vdownloader for tracks...


Dont forget this:

I remember when all these different genre's were played in the 90's. I don't listen to drum & bass though. I listen to Aphex Twins' "Windowlicker" & "Rhubarb" though. I read where his music is considered "Ambient". I remember another genre from the 90's referred to as "Jungle"

I'm pretty much in the same boat. I remember going to some of the first " underground Raves" in LA back in the early 90's and still have some very collectible flyers from those events. It was crazy, because we would find an old building and just pick a date, make a flyer and show up. Now it's all commercial and controlled and half as much fun as the anything goes parties.
Dont forget this:


Probably my favorite Dieselboy album, as well as one of my favorite DnB albums of all time. The Dungeonmaster's Guide and Project Human were alright, IMO. This one blew them both out of the water though.
This is my favorite DNB and dieselboy album of all time.

Never gets old, ever.

Listen to it front to back as it takes you on a journey.

Timeless tracks with some of the biggest names of the time.

Here you go, as you surf the forums:

That diesel boy 6ixth session is pretty nice. I'm gonna have to pick that up and listen to it in my truck since I just dropped a ton of money on a new sound system.
Use the link a couple of posts above on the video you are listening to and it will be free to burn.

If you dont mind that sort of thing...

And just so you know its a two CD set. The tracks on there will blow you away as well:

Listening to Diesel Boy Channel on Pandora for the past 2 weeks. Jungle was around for a bit but it was mostly in the U.K. This has to be one of my favorite (because it's so untrue and helarious) quotes about dubstep....from the band Korn "We were dubstep before there was even dubstep"......hahahahahaha so funny. But anyways....carry on.
DnB was and still is very popular with a small group of people in the know in New Zealand. New Zealand had a lot (still does) of great DnB , Concord Dawn, Shapeshifter (not to be confused with UK shapeshifters with the s) State of Mind, the upbeats , minuit to name a few ...all top acts
The genre is still very popular with my wife and I. We just don't get to hear it on a loud system all that often anymore. In Buffalo, almost all of the DnB nights have been replaced by Dubstep. And even the nights that do have DnB, the DJs are throwing in quite a bit of Dubstep.

We won't get our fix until we visit Seattle in October, when we attend a DnB Tuesdays at the Baltic Room for the first time in forever. That is one of the longest running DnB nights in the country, I believe.
DnB was and still is very popular with a small group of people in the know in New Zealand. New Zealand had a lot (still does) of great DnB , Concord Dawn, Shapeshifter (not to be confused with UK shapeshifters with the s) State of Mind, the upbeats , minuit to name a few ...all top acts


Most all of the DnB nights have been replaced by Dubstep. And even the nights that do have DnB, the DJs are throwing in quite a bit of Dubstep.

Dieselboy himself is doing this.

I just dont like the way it is going now. The sound is too different, drum and bass I mean. Though I still have to admit some of it is alright.

Heres the newest mix, just way too different now:

------>EDIT: Just got to 17:00 and was blown away after 30 sec. CHECK IT OUT!! Might have to rethink how I feel about some of the newer stuff.
