Drunk and making candy

tristam said:
Was that before or after she kicked yours???

I told her right about the time my father in law got the WTF look on his face lol it took a few minutes before he could see the humor in it lmao
my_key said:
So true. White chocolate isn't even chocolate. They should call it white trash :)

As far as chocolate goes I couldn't live anywhere better. And it's so cheap as well for the quality we're getting (cote d'or mmmm... marcolini mmmm...).

I've tried chocolate in other parts of the world, but I couldn't really enjoy it (same goes for beer as well though to a lesser extent). Especially in the US :lol: To be fair I didn't really taste them all because I was only there for 3 weeks, but what I've tasted wasn't that good. Like brown sugar... you can feel it creeping in your teeth destroying them. Except for Reese's peanut butter cups, those are nice :)

Just talking about it... Oh man I going to have some premium Belgian chocolate right now! Something with at least 70% cocao and no sugar!

I happen to live about a half hour from the chocolate capital of the US (Hershey, PA) and I know what you mean about the sweetness. It is a different kind of chocolate from Belgian, but sells unbelievably well worldwide. I would love to visit Belgium someday. I do believe you have the best beers in the world. I try anything I come across and by far it is my favorite. Have you had Westveterlyn (sp?) It is ranked the number one beer in the world by Beer Advocate. My brother was there and had it and said he agreed.
Yes the Hershey's chocolate is the best US chocolate I've tried and the only one I could enjoy pure. My wife agrees and she's the real connoisseur, she has also lived in the US for over a year, so she has sampled way more than me.

I recently had a crate of the Westvleteren 12 in the cellar, but I have since replaced (ahum) it with crates of Duvel, Chimay Bleu, Westmalle, Brugse Tripel, Maes (lager) and a couple of Bush Noël and Geuze Lambik Boon bottles ;) (When I say it like that I'm surprised I'm not fatter than I am now.)

The Westvleteren 12 (the yellow one) is a really nice beer. I like it a lot. Too bad you can only buy 1 crate at a time though (used to be 10), only in the abbey, and you cannot resell it. Oh and you have to ring them up to reserve a crate or they won't give you one. Monks are nice people :rolleyes: Their beer is great though.

Yeah Belgium is the beer heaven. There surely are beers from other countries that I enjoy and that are really good, but nothing can beat the sheer variety and overall quality of beers you find here. I love the fact that most supermarkets sell over 70 different beers and if I drive for 5 mins there's a shop that sells over 2000 different beers. :P You should definitly try some beers from the smaller breweries. They put in a lot more love than e.g. Interbrew (known from stella, jupiler,... and for f*cking up hoegaarden after buying it and moving the brew site). And the love shows... or tastes?

(End of me rambling. I'll stop hijacking the tread now.)
Well, I'll continue the hijack for another post if I may? Can you give me four or five really terrific beers to look for that may be available here. I have had hundreds of Belgian beers, but am always looking for more. I do like all the Trappist beers, but prefer some other ones such as Karmelit, Casteel, McChouffe, and Leffe. Delirium is delicious as well.
chilehunter said:
now just watch out for payback :scared::lol:

I was thinking the same thing.

JayT said:
Well, I'll continue the hijack for another post if I may? Can you give me four or five really terrific beers to look for that may be available here. I have had hundreds of Belgian beers, but am always looking for more. I do like all the Trappist beers, but prefer some other ones such as Karmelit, Casteel, McChouffe, and Leffe. Delirium is delicious as well.

I used to live right next to yalls Rolling Rock beer plant in Latrobe. My ex wife and kids still live in Greensburg.