food drunken chef christmas dinner

I probably should put this in about three different threads, but they were all one event. I think this might be post-whoring, but I hope ya'll will enjoy!

Christmas evening started when I arrived at my best buddy's house, and she casually offered "Ya wanna catch yourself on fire?"


This innocent looking Ball jar contains "habenero infused vodka". The instructions are, "use the syringe to extract only 3 mll out of the jar, and shoot it to the back of your throat."
Okay, here goes!



Wow, oh wow, I've had my ears on fire but never like this! man this is a beautiful burn- goes clean up into my sinuses and its traveling down my throat, causes a delightful shiver through my body... ooo, hot flash, instant all over body sweat. Unfortunately, I gasped when It hit the back of my throat and I swallowed air. the hiccups and the large airbubble going down is painful. A few sips of rice milk cures the hiccups and
fortunately does not quell the heat too much. aah, that lovely warmth travels all the way down and I am good and warm all over. "Dont you feel great?" she asks- turns out while I was dealing with the hiccups she had downed a shot, too.

Okay, evidence of alcohol and simultaneous product review over, next post, dinner!
WOW! You go girl! Always beware friends asking "do you wanna' catch on fire?" You get the hot, blue, and righteous rating for your thread starter!! Burn down the house girl!
on to dinner

When I get into the kitchen, I'm assigned dressing up the butternut squash thats nearly done. Fortunately, I brought pine nuts.

forked some of the squash, drizzled some grape-ola and maple syrup on it, finished the baking till it was done and carmelized just right, sprinkled on the toasted pine nuts:


Kat by that time had the chicken finished, It was in the crock pot stuffed with onion and lemon wedges, seasons with asado, and spices stuck under the skin:


The full spread also featured broccoli steamed just right, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, umm there was pumpkin bread for everybody else...and what else is in this picture:


This is my plate, oh yeah, and Yellow Tail Shiraz, my current favorite red wine, to wash it all down:

Everyone enjoyed dinner. Third sista showed up late, heard about our habenero vodka experience, and looked at us in horror. "So, this is like you gals version of ...taking up parachute jumping, now?!?!? I mean, just so I understand!" we laughed at her. She doesnt know what she's missing! She took off and other guests left, we tucked a child into bed. Now, should we deal with the bounty bestowed on us by the habenero fairy?


Hmmm, first we need to get into our jammies and discuss it over margaritas.

The Reallime in this photo wasnt necessary, because we had Real Limes.

This is my sista, the margarita queen, doing her thang- making her own sour mix. Taste test: "needs more Limes"


I get the honors of first sip, "Needs more tequila":


"Here's to surviving 2009!"

"Amen, sista!"

oh, yeah, the habeneros. we'll discuss that now, do that in the morning.

well, the morning brought us to a plate of shriveling habeneros, so we brewed the coffee and donned the gloves and started cutting off tops and removing seeds.

Camera battery died before I could get pictures of breakfast, but it was fritattas with carmelized onions, sun-dried tomatoes, and eggplant, seasoned at my suggestion with coriander and habeneros. I wimped out and only added half a pepper: should've added at least two. maybe more. It was yummy, though.

and for the last "this shouldve been somewhere else", folks, you just witnessed my best christmas present- cooking with my soul sista!
paulky_2000 said:
Those'd make cute litte poppers!

They would have, Paul, had they not been so far past picked. we had even discussed making them poppers, came up with a recipe- but they were beyond popper point. we decided to dry them for powder instead, but my friends concept of drying them in paper bags has not met with approval from those with experience, so I've transferred my share to the toaster oven and I'm hoping I can get them dry enough to keep from losing them altogether.

But I am sold on needing to grow peppers, so in my kitchen redesign I'm making space by the south window to get my plants started.
Very nice drunken chef work there Celeste. You had it all, peppers, booze, nice meal, more booze, yet more booze. Excellent.
I see no 'Post Whoring' here....Very nice thread and looks like you had a wonderful time. Good food, good booze, good friends...THAT is what it's all about.

I wounder what that Hab Vodka would be like in a Jell-O Shot? Maybe use Strawberry Jell-O? Mmmmm, sounds good and I think I might have to make some of this Hab infused Vodka and give this a try.
I'll try to get the recipe on the hab vodka. I think hab/peach jello shots would be better. Kat thought that it would make wonderful cocktails- but we dont do cocktails.
It was actually recommended that you have the shot first thing in the morning, and then go for a 5 mile run. supposed to clear your arteries of plaque. It cured the cold I was coming down with, and made me feel all warm and glowy. Since I tend to be chilled most of the time, this is a good thang!

Glad ya'll enjoyed! :onfire:
Hab vodka is just vodak with dried habs. Drop a few in, let it sit (at least one month). I've got some nagas, will do a naga vodka for Marys!
LOL. It's like making pickles, you have to wait. After one week though you'll have some heat. A month is good though, after that is won't do much more.
I make mine with fresh pods. Cut them open, drop them in and wait a week. Two is better, but I don't think a month is necessary at least with fresh pods. Heck, when I made naga vodka it was hot after three days.
I like dried pods because they get reconstituted with vodka instead of using fresh which have water.