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dry spices

curious what if any dry spices you add for recipes?  I never really consider them in my sauces but an Indian co worker shared some the sauce he was eating the other day and it had some great flavors, probably from cumin, maybe mustard, etc.  Have you experimented with dry spices?  When did you add?  
Spices are pretty important.. Are you saying you never use spices, ever? or just not in hot sauce? What do you put in your sauce then?
Edmick said:
Spices are pretty important.. Are you saying you never use spices, ever? or just not in hot sauce? What do you put in your sauce then?
No more like I never use dry spices in hot sauce.  Usually I'm using fresh things like garlic, onion, various fruits and veg.  I've yet to use any fresh herbs or dry spices