jet said:Hi Bentalphanerd ~
When I said everything but ice cream, I thought I was making a joke. I see now that the joke's on me. I still think I'll keep the peppers off my ice cream.
What!! and miss an opportunity to eat another pod??

jet said:I logged onto your site... you have some nice peppers going on down there. I live in New Jersey (USA) and Autumn is right around the corner, and as for you.... well you're looking at spring. Hope you do well. As for me, I'm going to try and find some more exotic peppers, or at least some that I've never grown before. I also see that your contact link is down. Will you be adding that any time soon?
I really have to update that page. lucky enough here to have a year round growing season, winter just means a slow down of production although still worrying if we get a frost. Everything starting to perk up again last few weeks...even have water falling from the sky today - very strange. PM me through this forum if you like until I get the contact link sorted.
What kind of peppers do you plan to be growing next?
As for your friends, maybe sprout up a few more plants and give them as gifts, they do look great though all strung together.
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