Drying Cayenne Peppers

jet said:
Hi Bentalphanerd ~

When I said everything but ice cream, I thought I was making a joke. I see now that the joke's on me. I still think I'll keep the peppers off my ice cream.

What!! and miss an opportunity to eat another pod?? :mouthonfire:

jet said:
I logged onto your site... you have some nice peppers going on down there. I live in New Jersey (USA) and Autumn is right around the corner, and as for you.... well you're looking at spring. Hope you do well. As for me, I'm going to try and find some more exotic peppers, or at least some that I've never grown before. I also see that your contact link is down. Will you be adding that any time soon?

I really have to update that page. lucky enough here to have a year round growing season, winter just means a slow down of production although still worrying if we get a frost. Everything starting to perk up again last few weeks...even have water falling from the sky today - very strange. PM me through this forum if you like until I get the contact link sorted.
What kind of peppers do you plan to be growing next?

As for your friends, maybe sprout up a few more plants and give them as gifts, they do look great though all strung together.

Check out the Sauce Making 101 or the Recipe Database thread for some great sauce making tips.
Thanks for getting back to me, Bentalphanerd. I'll check out the recipes soon. Right now I'm up to my neck in drying, crushing, and pickling.

As far as trying something different ~ Naga Jolokia & Red Savina would be something I'd like to try. But to tell you the truth, the way you discribed the "Black Pearl"... well, I think I'll be hunting that one down. It sounds like my kind of pepper. Is their heat up there? Think I'll try to find some seeds on eBay.

Jet ~
I put the last of my Black Pearl seeds in a few weeks ago & all have sprouted. One even came up with black leaves (awwww). They are classified as "Hot" according to the chili-bible - http://www.thechileman.org/search.php I've had really bad luck growing them (acts of dog, marauding children & scrub turkey etc..) . Your welcome to seeds in a few months, same with the Red Savinas that are in 3" pots now, they do seem to be slow growers though. I have about 10 Naga Jolokia seeds left over that I could post if no-one nearby has any spare.

BTW no speling erers r aloud :mouthonfire:
Hi, Bent ~

That's too funny about the spelling thing, but it's also embarrassing.:mouthonfire: I wonder if I'll ever make it a habit of proof reading (?).

Well, since you planted your last one I guess that takes out asking you for some. I checked out eBay and they have them. I also saw something call "Pretty Purple". I may get them. I grew up with peppers all around - my dad was (and still is) a big pepper popper - but I mostly had the most common or store bought peppers. I'd like to branch out (no pun intended). I know I'll have alot of time to do my homework since the growing season is soon to end.

If you like, and since you're more familiar with this site, you can PM me.

Hope to "E ya soon".
jet said:
Hey, Chilliman64, I see it was your birthday yesterday ~

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you had a go one.

Jet ~

thanks Jet, it was a ripper of a weekend actually. my missus treats me like a king and on birthdays she even lets me sleep in the house!