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Early Mini Ghosts

I bought some NMSU ghost seeds last fall, started them in November and to my surprise:

They are mini, but they are hot as he11, and I'm pumped to have anything this early in the season. They have been growing in the west facing window since they sprouted. Anyone else have any early producers?
Very nice! Any pics of the plant? I have 2 Bhut plants and both are flowering, no pods yet. Did you get those pods from your first flower blossoms?
I have a thai sun (Small pods normally) that is producing pods slightly larger than the head of a pencil... There is a pic on my grow log haha... I'll post it here though.

hah I actually took that picture on top of the planter I was getting ready to plant those seeds in :)

Or maybe I had just planted them... I don't remember... Something like that any way...

Looking forward to growing those out... 36 are in a planter now.
Speaking of NMSU's bhuts, has anyone planted any bhuts seeds from CPI and they turned out to be the Haba Nagas? Im sure you all seen this before but just curious
sometimes the first pods are dwarf size... wait or the next gen of peppers ...

got that on jalapeno and orange cheyenne last year. the second wave was on par with what it was supposed to be
Very nice! Any pics of the plant? I have 2 Bhut plants and both are flowering, no pods yet. Did you get those pods from your first flower blossoms?

I had a couple flowers not pollenate and fall off. After that happened I cranked the ceiling fan to medium and "huffed and puffed" on the flowers a bit, sure enough the next round of flowers started producing little pods. My yellow 7 pots are doing the same thing.

The ghosts are third and fourth from left.


If my 7 pots ripen I'll take some pics of those as well. That's pretty cool, that Thai sun is super mini, how's the heat on those and the white Habs that Sync posted?
nature is ok.. she is not ready for pods... (you can trick it with a hand polinesation...) but if the flower falls it,s cause the plant is not ready... the plant is testing who to make flowers ;) wait till thay are 2 feet tall! now you will be talking ;)
IIRC its about 100k scu?

Not too bad, and a decent flavor... The largest pod was no longer than the diameter of a dime last season... I have a few like that - but that one was the smallest... I have another tiny one I picked today, I'll take a picture tomorrow if I remember of it on top of a quarter haha.
Those look amazing maybe it is just the first generation of pods but if they are suppose to be like that than you got some good looking pods there
Jealous that you have ripe ghost man! My ghost have a few hundred flower or immature peppers on them but man i miss the taste!

As for your quistion, my hab, serrano, and jalapinos never stopped. Producing. Too bad i dont care about those ones lol
Many reasons for small pods on plants. In this particular case I would suggest it's the lack of good light. The first couple of times I brought plants in to over winter my lights were not up to doing the job. Any pods that were already on the plant didn't grow much, They did ripen. Most of the flowers fell off but a few did develop pods that again were dwarf sized. I was using regular 24" florescents. No where near enough light.

Those Bhuts are kind of cute though.
My pod came from a plant that lives outside.

It may still be the shorter days of winter that cause it... But there isn't all that much variation here in FL :P