Early Naga looks mean

Here's the amazing ghost chile. Thanks Bradfordlad for the photoshop work

Love that....cool dude.....;) :lol: ;)
Plants are looking healthy Podpiper. Here's a little teaser. I got my first ripe naga pods and an orange thai. And no I won't be eating the nagas on camera. Too hot for me to eat whole. Lots more to come.
Plants are looking healthy Podpiper. Here's a little teaser. I got my first ripe naga pods and an orange thai. And no I won't be eating the nagas on camera. Too hot for me to eat whole. Lots more to come.

Oh come on you know you want to be famous like IGG.
You got to at least take a good bite to know what it tastes like.

Nice Orange thai, how long does it take to rippen?
I have a few pods that are green and 4 cm long.
I'll definitely take a nibble but I don't know how you guys can eat it whole. Especially Imaguitargod/Nagagod. Sooo.. jealous. I got lots of pods started now, will look like naga heaven shortly.
The orange thai took approx 3+ weeks to ripen. I really don't know, but I'm eating one right now. Approx 4 cm. Yummy hot

I had a good little harvest on the weekend. I ended up smoking these nagas. The ones on the top left are Dorset Nagas(I think) and the rest are Naga Morich.

So far 19 pods from this Morich
Gorgeous Pods


Just wanted to say beautiful plants and Naga pods. I'd be happy to get a few looking like that! I like the consistency of the morphology on the peppers too.


I had a good little harvest on the weekend. I ended up smoking these nagas. The ones on the top left are Dorset Nagas(I think) and the rest are Naga Morich.

So far 19 pods from this Morich
NagaMad said:
Hi Derek

Nice harvest, how olds the plant?

I started the Morich a few weeks after the Dorset. Sometime late November or early December? The Dorset is even bigger, its actually becoming a monster but smaller pods. Thanks again for all the seeds Nagamad:) and Darlochileman too.