ebay and pepper seeds

Just curious - do any of you check ebay to see the offerings? People are selling (or at least trying to!) seeds for 50¢ to $1.00 each, plus shipping, which seems to be about $2.00 - and that's in the US.

Some of you all, especially Potawie, should be billionaires!

I chuckled at one sale - it advertised some pepper, I forget which one, as Hot, Hot, Hot - it ranks at 20,000-30,000 on the Scoville table. :P
I've seen some ridiculous prices for jolokias from a reputable Aussie seed seller. the thing is, there are people who are will to pay the stupid prices so why not take advantage. we know better but others don't.

I wonder who the dummies are? those paying the high prices or us for not selling to them...
If you stay away from ebay for chile seeds and use a reputable seed purveyor, you will have better resluts.

As my Maine grandfather observed: "words will hold still for anybody."
Some reputable Chile seed sellers use eBAY too. The seeds I bought from there this year worked out well for me (e.g. Peppermania). I suppose I was just lucky.
I would take a chance if someone was selling 7-pod. I haven't found them at any reputable seed dealer (or even a disreputable one!)
herne_the_hunter said:
Some reputable Chile seed sellers use eBAY too. The seeds I bought from there this year worked out well for me (e.g. Peppermania). I suppose I was just lucky.

Peppermania has a regular web site, and does not sell exclusively on eBay. http://www.peppermania.com/

I love how when you google on "Peppermania" it politely asks you if you meant "pooperman".
I don’t think e-bay is the worst thing in the world, probably not very accepted when it comes to getting seeds of any kind that are for hobbies. People prefer to keep these kinds of seeds free, and like to trade instead of purchasing; this kind of stuff is for fun. But if you don’t have anything to trade, then how will you get started? Another good place to purchase seeds from is Chili pepper institute of New Mexico, and good place to give your money to. I think everybody that sells seeds should donate at least part of that money to go to research or feeding hungry children or something.
Reimer seeds is selling some seeds they call Donni Sali:

The locals believe that this tiny hot pepper is the world's hottest pepper. Locally called "Donni Sali" - "Donni" meaning hot pepper and "Sali", a type of bird that feeds on this type of hot pepper. A variety from the Northern Mariana Islands, USA. Plant Height: 24 to 60" tall. pk/5

They want $15 for the five seeds. Good grief - I can see selling five decent Jolokia plants for $15 but five seeds???
wordwiz said:
Locally called "Donni Sali" - "Donni" meaning hot pepper and "Sali", a type of bird that feeds on this type of hot pepper.

So it's another birds-eye pepper just with a fancy name. Like to see it compete with my Malawi/Hab cross :hell:
Reimer Seeds, aka. Ripoff Seeds..

I personally know someone that purchased their Naga Morich seeds in the beginning of this year, 5 seeds for $15, 3 sprouted but they weren't even Nagas...
As this site seems to be growing tremendously, maybe the owner ought to add a topic - reputable places to buy seeds from. As quick as Google picks up this site, someone searching might find it useful. I would like to see what people think about Pepper Joe - he has a nice variety of seeds but seems expensive. TradeWinds has a lot of types also and is much cheaper, but I can't speak as to how their seeds germinate. I bought some stuff from RareSeeds and their prices are good and the seeds seem to be good also.
wordwiz said:
. I would like to see what people think about Pepper Joe - he has a nice variety of seeds but seems expensive.

i got seeds from him and they were great. some of the best plants i have ever had.
I am going to keep books on my germination success this coming year. I will be starting my seeds about the first of February 2008. I will be planting 5 seeds each of 63 different varieties and keeping books on who I got the seeds from and their seed germination success. Here are the suppliers I have gotten seeds from so far:

ChiliPepperInstitute - NMSU
Trade Winds Fruit

I will say this, I like the packaging seedman does. Seeds in small clear ziplock baggies with a card telling you the particulars of the seed (even seed lot). Just my liking, besides the seedman comes from Gautier, Mississippi.


Just a note: I have read some unkind words about Reimer Seeds and had ordered 4 varieties from them so I hedged my bet and ordered those four varieties from other sources.

I really like RareSeeds.com - good prices, lots of seeds (normally 50 or more) and good germination, except when I plant them directly in the ground and then let other plants overshadow them!
What do you all think about Pepper Joe? I don't like his prices, but I have more of a problem with some of his advice. To wit:

I'm frequently asked if you can grow peppers indoors. The answer is no.

Regarding container gardening:
Some of my Habaneros grow to 6' and 7' tall.

He has far more experience than me so should I take my peppers that are starting to flower or have brand new fruit on them and add them to my compost pile. And what Hab grows seven feet tall? I would try some inside as I have eight foot ceilings, but peppers don't grow indoors.
I've heard complaints about Pepperjoe's peppers not breeding true but I've never purchased from them. I've had many problems with Reimers!