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EC levels for habaneros?


I recently picked up some DWC gear and have just transplanted a young Red Savina habanero into a bubbling bucket! I also picked up a used truncheon EC meter to measure EC levels. I was wondering if anyone had guideline for EC levels (what is optimal for various stages of growth)? I have a couple litres of the CNS17 Grow and BLoom. I've started the water around 1.2 with the CNS17 grow, but really am not certain what levels are best. Any help would be much appreciated.


Tonly has a couple of vids here, I'm sure he mentions PPM levels

Great nutrient. I usually go for 1.0 - 1.2 and try to keep pH around 6. The CNS17 Bloom works great and I really don't check pH. I'm out of CNS17, and I'm testing Peter's now, but IIRC I used to just use 10ml/gallon CNS17 bloom and never really checked EC or pH. That was with mostly filtered water though.
Thanks everyone, that's a wide range of suggestions ;)

I think I'll start somewhere in the middle. Also, per CNS17 instructions, I mixed a gallon of water with 20mls (their recommended concentration for growth phase) of CNS17 and took an EC reading, and that was 1.4. So, I'll keep in the 1.2-1.4 ballpark and see how that works.