Egg cluster identification

Ya love me. :lol:

No worries guys, just doing the hippie thing.

So all stinkbugs are bad? What if you like the smell? Just saying........

I think it's cool that you did that harry. I wonder what likes to eat baby stinkbugs.
So, now that you are emotionally attached to the little stinkers, what are going to do with them?
You can't release them into the wild, that would be like shooting yourself in the foot(as it pertains to growing peppers).

Guess you can make little leashes and take them out for walks, returning them back to their little bug houses.

You could play fetch with little dust balls or lint balls........ "here Stinky, come here boys", just be gentle as you pet their little heads!

.....and what if the start inter-breeding, you'll get a bunch of battie-eyed, banjo playing stinky's running around, guess you could go looking for suitable mates for them, you know, to keep the genetics pure.

Being a little kooky, watched District 9 last night.

Have fun with your new found pets.
Ya love me. :lol:

No worries guys, just doing the hippie thing.

So all stinkbugs are bad? What if you like the smell? Just saying........

I think it's cool that you did that harry. I wonder what likes to eat baby stinkbugs.

I guess the stink would make them unpalatable for the ladybird that took up residence on one of the Rocoto plants after I transferred it.


Ladybird on Bishop's Hat leaf prior to transfer
I doubt a ladybug would tackle a stinkbug, strictly based on size, don't forget ladybugs emit that orangish pooh gunk making them very untasty to birds and predetors, butterflies are similar.
Sorry mate, you have to do the dirty work now... put on an ol' pair of shoes and start stompin'. here's an idea, put on an old Straycats CD to get you in the dancin' mood and go at 'er.
Harry, I think you struck gold. Here are a few pics of my ladybug eggs and the little guys right after they were born. The egg sacs turned white the day before they were born. Soon they turn into the wonderful and colorful aphid eaters we all love. Don't squish!

Yeah, they look like stink bugs. Great idea to isolate the eggs for identifying the culprit. I agree, the pics are excellent!
harry, pretty sure those are leaf-footed bugs (aka stink bugs, wheel bugs), bad news. I'm not 100% sure because you guys have different species hanging off the bottom of the world than us top-siders.
They don't have the proboscis that is characteristic of an assassin bug. I placed a caterpillar in the container and found them to show no interest in it.
I commend you all on your ability to spot those kinds of things. I feel like I have never paid close enough attention to each leaf to ever have spotted any eggs... Good job
blah, blah, blah.... i am tongue tied, don't know what to say...blah, blah, blah....... (somebody, liked what i had to say a year ago, no idea what i said!)

here is what i know, chileaddict wins with his bugs!