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Electronic cigarette

Anybody here own one or used one? Would you recommend it?

Thinking about maybe getting one... Going on holiday soon and would be nice (if they are good) to have a puff on the way lol

I recommend them. I think they're great. If you're a smoker you don't know how much nicotine you get from 1 puff to the other anyways. So what's the difference?
Personally I'm a non-smoker, n I love that these things don't stink. But
I've talked to a few friends that have made the switch n here are a few
reasons why they like them.
Don't have to go outside to have a smoke.
Smoke in the restaurant after a meal.
Or at the Bar,
Or for that matter any public place.
Some friends started out with the regular amount of
nicotine, n have since lowered it. Now they are down
to zero nicotine, plus there isn't any tar.
Oh, and the cost is about the same.
Cost over here is cheaper for the refills than cigarettes. Depending on what brand electronic cigarette you buy you can get 10 cartridges for £8.00. Each one is supposed to last for 15 cigarettes worth. So 150.
a pack of 20 cigarettes here is over £5.00
almost £40 here for 140
I've seen them for sale online. They look pretty cool.
I guess inhaling propylene glycol isn't any worse than inhaling the chemicals they add to the tobacco and paper in cigarettes.
According to e-cig.org, you can select the amount of nicotine in the e-fluid from 0 - 24mg.

And as far as being regulated, I don't think cigs are perfectly regulated for the amount of nicotine in them.

If you got the money, go for it. Just be sure to check out independent reviews, warranty info & satisfaction guarantees & return policies. And anything else you can think of for an electronic/personal device.
I have seen one online which uses a non rechargeable battery and gives you 4 cartridges. Its meant as a disposable one and the battery lasts long enough for the cartridges and you then bin it.

£7.50 I don't thinks bad for that considering the cost of the others and I may not even like it. You need to replace parts on the re usable ones anyway (atomizer every few weeks, battery after a few months)

A friend had one and it was horrible. I don't smoke cigs, but I do smoke cigars and this was just some knock off novalty item that taste like some type of mint flavored mist. Not sure if it had any niccotine or not, but unless your trying to quit don't bother.
Well, this just came out from the FDA (not that I trust the FDA, but still). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced that a laboratory analysis of electronic cigarette samples has found that they contain carcinogens and toxic chemicals such as diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze.

Now, of corse they failed to mention all the nasty, toxic chemicals in ciggeretts today, but I digress. Toleman, not to get preachy or anything (I used to be a smoker too, for 7 years actually, hardest thing I ever did and still am doing was quitting smoking and staying clean of it), if you can't go the 10 hours or so it takes without Nicotine this should be a reveling moment for you.

This shows you how addicted you are. Take this opertunity to cut cold turkey or get the patch or gum and kick the habbit (cold turkey is the only thing that worked for me).
imaguitargod said:

Like you said IGGY, regular cigs have that same shit in them, BUT at least there's no second hand smoke from the electronic ones. So, if you want to turn your lungs into liquid shit, be my guest, but now at least no one else has to get dragged down that road also.
Novacastrian said:
I wonder how you would convert it for other "organic matter" hey igster!

I don't think its possible. I'm pretty sure they function somewhat like a nebulizer and you'd need a liquid.
Novacastrian said:
I wonder how you would convert it for other "organic matter" hey igster!

I don't think its possible. I'm pretty sure they function somewhat like a nebulizer and you'd need a liquid.