Enter a THP Throwdown - Beat the Best - Win a Crown

The Hot Pepper

Just an announcement that the BATTLE ROYALE is now accepting challenges. If you have never entered a Throwdown, or have entered, but never won a crown, here is your chance! Go head to head with a Crown Holder. 50/50 odds! Do you have what it takes? Can you beat the BEST?!

Info: http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/22194-battle-royale-challenges-open-june-td/
8 challenges left!

More entries please! mel, JungleRain, Justaguy, zdecker, 5oclocksomewhere, RocketMan, Nick, DaQatz, midwestchilehead, Novacastrian, PepperJam, wheebz, mikeinsc, mesatrin, SalsaKid, and Eephus Man... where are you?

I am calling you out! Post your challenge!

Well get in on the mango one if you don't have a DO or smoker. Hurry!
Hmmmmm while I was ummmming and arhhhhring about the asian throwdown in the battle royal, I missed out....sooooo how about the Mango-ingredient dish with salsalady????
I really hate to be the noob, but whats the challenge? What does the TD entitle? Not that I want ins. I'd be crazy to compete against all you gangsters. :crazy:
Need someone to do the Cajun one with SL. http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/22194-battle-royale-challenges-open-june-td/
I thought your better half wanted to enter. Make a po' boy.
Come on peeps! Need one contender for next weekend. Cajun or Creole, anything goes.
Hey ill throw down for the Cajun challenge next weekend if no one else wants to

thats the one I never got my entries in for last time because I ran out of time
Looking for someone not in a TD this month. Anyone?