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EOF's 2011 Growlog

Finally got my germinator in the mail! So it was a mad rush to get the seeding cells all filled up with soil and heated up. It was a little difficult getting everything math'd out until I decided to go 5 and 4 per region and then go nuts with the peter peppers. Just in case I royally screw the pooch, I'll still have enough THSC seeds to try 1 more round and/or round out anything that doesn't germinate well.

THSC Red Sav Hab x5
Choc Hab x4
Bhut x5
Bih x4
Dorset x5
Nagabon x4
7pod Doughlah x5
7pod Jonah x4
Fatali x5
Bonda ma Jaques x4
Aji Lemon x5
Tinidad Scorp x5
Peter Pepper x17

Got 'em all moist, lidded up and at 84 degrees. Now the wringing of hands and waiting begins.
Heck yeah! Not only for the comical shape. They've got a really interesting burn to them. My g/f after tasting a sliver said that her ears started ringing and when I tasted it, wherever the pepper touched went numb. They've got quite a few seeds, but are thin skinned enough to dry easily. And they've got a pretty nice flavor in my opinion.

Seriously though, I totally got into them initially for the weiner shape. It was a pleasant suprise that they were palatable. And pretty hardy too. I've still got pods on 3 plants slowly coming ripe in my little makeshift greenhouse.
Da Germinator

No! I totally didn't snap plastic knives in half for seed markers!

Many baby pepper cradles

Next up! Lighting project. I foresee pvc, clamp lights and high output cfls in my future. Unless there is a stronger case for a little 4' T8 ballast?
No sprouts yet. So naturally that makes me nervous, even though it's been less than a week. But we went out and picked up our lighting setup. We went with two 150w equiv CFLs in clamp light fixtures. And taking a page from Logchief's playbook and reinventing it, we repurposed the frame from an erector-set style cat playhouse and wouldn't you know, it fit almost perfectly! The cross members are a little small for the clamps, but I can always build them up with some tape. And it'll break down lickety toot! Props to my genius g/f for the idea.


Nice list, give them a few days.:dance: :dance: My first took 7 days to pop up. We'll definately have to swap some pods here in Fresno.
lc beat me to it...you started this thread on 25 Jan in the afternoon...you will have hooks by Wednesday, 2 Feb.

good luck with your grow this year

and IMO for a small area, get one of these...fairly expensive up front but will save you on electricity in the long run...this will be for seedling growth only and will cover about a two foot square area...

Thanks guys! I'm totally keen on the led lighting for future use. I'll have to take a poke around some of the local hydro shops and see if they've got 'em.

Also, today I noticed that the most of the peters have already broken the surface. So I'll be eagerly staring at the dirt, waiting for the superhots on wednesday. :dance:
The babies are popping up there heads! There's even a bizarre 3 leafed mutan nagabon. We'll be keeping a close eye on it to see if the develops superpowers.

The trippy triple

The prolific peters

Ajis n' peters

Trinidads n' peters

Dorsets n' Nagabons

Only a couple 7pots so far

Jalokia corner

No habs yet! :(

Two bondas, but no fatalis

I'm kinda worries about the habs and fatalis, but it's still early and I've got backup seed if necessary. Overally I'm overjoyed and kinda shocked at the great early responses that I'm getting from the notoriously long germinating bhuts. And the trinidads practically exploded out in unison overnight. Plus I'm really happy with the germination rates on the peters. They were breaking ground within 5 days. Now I'm almost nervous about having so many plants going. :crazy: But hopefully things will start to warm up by March and I can expand the ghetto cold frame into a more serviceable ghetto greenhouse.

Well the true leaves are coming on on everything that's germinated so far. Still no luck with the habs and fatalis. Peters are a little leggy but nice and green.

You can see my barren hab patch in the upper left. But Jalokia-town has 100% germination. There's a little yellowing on their true leaves.

A closeup of my yellowing Bonda ma jaques.

Whats odd is that most yellowing seems to be where the highest light levels on the plants are. I was figuring I was probably keeping them a little too moist. But the color change where the light focuses makes me wonder...Either way, I'm gonna cut back on the bottom watering a bit and try to give 'em a little outdoors time when the temps are warm enough.
A bit of outdoors time certainly wont hurt so long as your careful not to go to full sun too soon. All in all they are looking pretty good though with good germination. I found my douglahs to be the slowest of all my chillies to germinate and grow.. They have caught up a bit now though.
Nice list.
Hey EOF,

You're bhut jolokias looks to be growing quite fast!

Yeah! I've been really pleasantly surprised with how pain free the Indian varieties have been so far. It's the habs that are being the punkiest.

A bit of outdoors time certainly wont hurt so long as your careful not to go to full sun too soon. All in all they are looking pretty good though with good germination. I found my douglahs to be the slowest of all my chillies to germinate and grow.. They have caught up a bit now though.
Nice list.

Good advice. Tbh, I might have gotten over ambitious and left 'em out all afternoon today without the voice of reason. Thanks! :)
Whats odd is that most yellowing seems to be where the highest light levels on the plants are. I was figuring I was probably keeping them a little too moist. But the color change where the light focuses makes me wonder...Either way, I'm gonna cut back on the bottom watering a bit and try to give 'em a little outdoors time when the temps are warm enough.

Are the yellowing plants also the biggest ones? I've found that most of my biggest/fastest growing seedlings usually yellow a bit. Once they slow down a bit they go back to green. I read somewhere here that the clorophyll basically has to "catch up" to the fast growth. I don't think the lights are too much if that's what you're thinking. It would also make sense that the fastest growing ones would be in the brightest light.

Looking good so far!
Pretty much. The ones that seem to have really blown up their first proper leaves are looking fairly pale. Whereas the leggier ones w/ much smallers leaves are a deeper green. It makes sense overall. And reinforces the good advice of being patient and seeing how things work out. I've just had such a good start, I'm over-ambitious. Even a sprout that lost it's baby leaves to a dry seed husk somehow found the wherewithal to bust out some proper leaves against all odds. I've got that "No seedling left behind" mentality. :oops:
Finally had some sunshine, so I took the kids outside to knock a bit of the jaundice off 'em.

My peters suffered a couple rounds of cat attacks as well. They will be missed. (the plants) But I've potted up most of the survivors to give their leggy butts some extra room. The chinenses will be moving into party cups fairly soon as well. Then it'll be a second germination round to see if I can get some of those delicious fatalis to sprout and give the habs another go as well. I'm still keeping the earlier tries moist on the chance that they're going to play the slow sprout game. Now I just need it to start getting above 50 degrees at night before I wind up turning my kitchen into a grow room. :lol:
So a belated update at last. Over the past month I've been sucked into our stage show, Cap'n Scurvy's Ragnarok Hootenanny Jamboree! So short of remembering to dribble in some water when I noticed them wilting a bit was all the attention my poor babies were getting. It cost me the 3 bottom sets of leaves off my Aji lemons. But otherwise they seem ok, if a bit leggy. But now the show is over, so I finally had enough time to get roaring drunk on Bushmills and pot up the rest of my seedlings into pint cups. So far, no casualties.





Very green and healthy looking. Your plants are proof that just leaving them alone and letting them grow can work as well or better than babying them and suffocating them with love. Your plants look significantly bigger than mine and I started almost 3 weeks earlier. Looking forward to see how they progress this season.
The peter peppers are total cheaters. They took off fairly early so I had to pot up the vast majority right before the show. A couple are already hitting a foot tall. So I'm antsy for it to warm up a bit outside. :)