That is WAY too frequent. I'm assuming the plant(s) is/are in pots or cups at this point. Pick up the pot or cup and feel its weight in your hands. Now walk away for a couple days, then come back and feel its weight again. Go away for another day, then go feel its weight again. You should notice it getting lighter and lighter. When it a) feels like it's almost just plant and dirt in there (very little moisture), or b) the leaves start drooping, water it again. Since you're probably not used to what the semi-waterless weight is yet, I'd suggest waiting until the leaves droop a tad the first couple of times while you're learning what the weight should be. In the meanwhile, scrape off the upper surface of dirt to remove any additional fungus. Chamomille is supposed to be an anti-fungal, so you might spray the soil lightly with that, as well.