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Epsom Salts

Have you givin them any ferts yet? without knowing anything about your personal growing habits or what you've done so far it looks like they need some nitrogen. The first pic is the only one of use.

HPS is what I meant...sodium...I ned to be in the drinking thread...

I can't really tell but a shot of epsom may do a body good...I can't tell if I am seeing yellowish or if it is the exposure and light..
thepodpiper said:
Have you givin them any ferts yet? without knowing anything about your personal growing habits or what you've done so far it looks like they need some nitrogen. The first pic is the only one of use.



ok here we go....

theres about 50 plants under 2 lights...

1 400 MH

1 400 HPS

i was watering them every second day... i was feeding them nutes everyother watering...

the nutes i am using for the coco coir medium are :

Optimum A 5-0-2

Optimum B 1-5-6

the leaves started to yellow big time, so i then stopped the nutes and watered them once a week... the yellowing started to slow down and turn green again...

then the worst yellow leaves of the bunch started to go purple.. like yours...

and now.. yellowing again on the newest set of leaves..

what do you think of these nutes ?
I didn't notice the coir...I have never used it so I will back out of the conversation...sorry peppa...
Never used coco either but I'd make sure you ph balance you nutrient mixture very carefully. You would probably have enough light with just one MH, wait until plants get larger to start up HPS to save $. But like I said before don't know coco from the nut.
if TCG comes by, he swears by the stuff...
AlabamaJack said:
I didn't notice the coir...I have never used it so I will back out of the conversation...sorry peppa...

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Never used coco either but I'd make sure you ph balance you nutrient mixture very carefully. You would probably have enough light with just one MH, wait until plants get larger to start up HPS to save $. But like I said before don't know coco from the nut.

excellent guys !;)

"sends a couple of shots of PADRONE, cheers !"
I am another coco illiterate but I am not sure if that would make a difference anyway. It is hard for me to say if you might also be overwatering, every other day seems quite often for watering but then again you are using some powerful lights. If you start to lose the lower leaves I would steer towards the nitrogen deficiency. To be perfectly honest though, I really do not know. If you could get us some better pics it might help. More times than not when I take pics and get that yellowing I turn off all lights and just use the flash seems to really help in my case.

Ok I'll say it just to see if it still has the same punch:

Use Miracle grow the nursery blend its a 30-30-30 blend it'll green them up in no time
Ok I'll say it just to see if it still has the same punch:

Use Miracle grow the nursery blend its a 30-30-30 blend it'll green them up in no time

I have to agree, although I am not sure of what NPK to use. I had what looked to be the same problem last year and talked with the plant pathologist at Michigan State University she recommended full strength MG and sure enough within a couple of days they were as green as ever.

Ok I'll say it just to see if it still has the same punch:

Use Miracle grow the nursery blend its a 30-30-30 blend it'll green them up in no time


There I was, stuck at the computer in the main office, and I couldn't remember my stoopid password so I couldn't log on, and YOU WERE TAUNTING ME!!

*muttering* gonna make LuckyDog NeuteredDog if he ain't careful.
thepodpiper said:
I have to agree, although I am not sure of what NPK to use. I had what looked to be the same problem last year and talked with the plant pathologist at Michigan State University she recommended full strength MG and sure enough within a couple of days they were as green as ever.


Why are so many people here against Miracle grow ?

can someone tell me please... thanks
Hotpeppa said:
Why are so many people here against Miracle grow ?

can someone tell me please... thanks

Miracle Grow is a high nitrogen fertilizer, all of its products, with the exception of the blossom formula, are high nitrogen. If you give it to peppers you will get lots of green growth at the expense of fruit production. The foliage stimulated to grow with a high nitrogen fertilizer is especially tasty to aphids. It also goes straight through the soil. Next time you water it's gone. Which means you have to fertilize again. And again. Then run to the store to buy more, which makes the stockholders happy.

Miracle Grow is also a complete fertilizer, it has all the macro and micro nutrients a plant needs. So if your plant has a nutritional deficiency, a shot or two of Miracle Grow isn't such an awful thing; but it's better not to use it as your main fertilizer for the above mentioned reasons.
Pam said:
Miracle Grow is a high nitrogen fertilizer, all of its products, with the exception of the blossom formula, are high nitrogen. If you give it to peppers you will get lots of green growth at the expense of fruit production.

Just wondering Pam, what's wrong with that? You can just switch to a low-N fert when you want your plants to start producing. Lots of green growth means more places to shoot buds from. Or am I missing something here?
BillyIdle said:
Just wondering Pam, what's wrong with that? You can just switch to a low-N fert when you want your plants to start producing. Lots of green growth means more places to shoot buds from. Or am I missing something here?

Remember that it's not quite as easy for a plant to shift gears and grow in another direction. Maybe if you're growing year round inside it wouldn't be much of an issue, but most plants that I have seen that are given heavy doses of Miracle Grow or planted in Miracle Grow potting soils delay fruiting for 4 to 8 weeks.

Last year I gave a friend of mine an extra Heart Throb plant that I had. He went home and, against all my advice, planted it in Miracle Grow potting soil that night. I got busy and didn't plant mine for another two weeks or so, but I planted it in a potting mix with no fertilizer. About late July or early August, he brought it back to me, saying there was something wrong with it. Well, yeah, it was covered in aphids for one thing. It was as large as the one that I put in a container, but mine was covered in fruit, not aphids. His had about 5 green fruits.