powder-flake equipment for making powder

I have around 40 plants, that I expect to mostly make powder from.  They are starting to get some peppers so its time to start thinking of how to best do that.  I don't want to contaminate the family dehydrator, so need one of them for sure. Also I've read here that most people us a coffee grinder.
My budget is 100$ for both.  
Searching on amazon I found  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0090WOCN0/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=IJDCL57RMS8M&coliid=IZ3B1PLDJ1LZM&psc=1and  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JFHHMN2/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=IJDCL57RMS8M&coliid=I3M9CWEA4XW6Z
Any opinions on either?
Also why isn't a food processor suggested. It seems to me it should work better, since mine holds 8 cups, instead of most grinders less than a cup.  Is it just that the powder is more likely to get in the air?  If I could use my current food processor I could spend a bit more on the dehydrator.
edit sorry about the second link. I'm not sure why its not working. But cut and paste works
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I got my dehydrator from walmart for about 35 bucks. Your foor processer should work. Not sure if it will make the powder fine enough. Make sure the pods are very dry. Suggest cutting pods in half, they dry better. Good luck.

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food processors usually don't get the chiles to a fine powder, more like a chunky grind. 
Keep an eye out at thrift stores, maybe you can score one or the other. 
Presto dehydrator, $36 Three trays. I can put 100 pods at a time. 10 hrs.

Put dried pods in ziplock. Leave dried pods half or whole for longer shelf life.

Grind into powder when needed.

Mr. Coffee Coffee grinder, $16.
I have to agree with the others on getting a coffee grinder, I have used both a food processor and coffee grinder and the difference is night and day.
I second what the lady said. I had a perfectly clean Bosch coffee grinder in my hand at Goodwill for $5. Alas, left it behind. I already had one.

I also use a coffee grinder to pulverize cooked egg shells for the worms. Just another idea.
Thank you hogleg. I describe doing this all the time. Nice video
I prefer using a pint jar. But any will work and you can watch as it gets finer
That food dehydrator comes with 2 "fruit roll up" sheets, which are solid plastic and sit inside a tray.  They work well for drying your solids left over from making sauce and you can buy more.  I have that model and I've been really happy with it.  You can get more trays and stack them up to 12 high on one machine.  It comes with good directions and recipes.
definitely the nesco ! temp control . then you can dry seeds , dry pods for better color  .  i got a ninja  works great , so does my black and decker food processor it works fine also .     :onfire:
Maximize your dehydrator- (aka salsalady's lazy way to dehyd mass peppers)
cut 2" spacers out of PVC plumbing pipe, wrap with cling wrap..... :cool:




PS- make sure you don't cling wrap cover the hole on the top.  :lol:

PPS- these pods were run through the food processor with a thin slicer blade.  Massive surface area allows for quick drying time of a lot of pods.