Eric's 2011 1st Time Grow Journal

Looking goot, just don't baby them to death.... I did buy some Datils from a grower in New Smyrna just so i would be able to try some, seeds have been a bitch to produce in that variety... best of luck...
The Pro Mix doesn't contain any fertilizers so yeah, you're going to have to feed the plants. Peppers don't need a lot of feeding though so you don't need to go overboard with the ferts. Everybody has their favorites. I use Chili Focus which has an NPK of 3-1-4 but has all kinds of the other "goodies" that peppers like. I also add some nutes via the growing medium--worm castings and compost. The only thing I would recommend is keeping nitrogen to a minimum. Peppers don't need much of it but aphids and other sap suckers love what it does to the plants.
My First Pepper Sprout Ever!
Congrats on your first seedling!

As P said, peppers don't need a ton of ferts. You might want to check that Jiffy Seed Starter. A lot of the commercial starters have fertilizers already added, I'm just not sure about Jiffy's.

Good luck and hope you have many more sprouts to talk to. :lol:
Thank you all for the kind words :D I am very pleased with progress thus far :D

I had 3 Thai Hots pop up this sometime last night so now that makes 4 sprouts I took the two larger ones and put them under light.

I am using jiffy seed stater the ProMix BX is for potting the larger plants, I am to poor to afford these high end ferts is there a recipe for adding worm castings, chicken compost and like things to the promix so I can try to save where I can?

Thanks for the guidance :D
Here's more sprouts, most are caribbean reds.

8 caribbean reds popping up


Second Bhut Jolokia

I have a few more Thai peppers polking through and some jalapenos but no need to take all those different pics of sprouts, you get the idea and I cannot believe they are coming up so fast all these have been since 9am this morning or around that time.
Well to this point I have 103 sprouts out of my 142 at least 20 of those were seeds that didn't start but I wanted full trays so they may or may not come up.

I'll get a count tomorrow of the success of each species I know I have 32 of 36 Bhut Jolokia I have counted the others but the Thai peppers are going to be my major ratio killers as only about 30 of them out of 56.

These numbers are subject to change they have only been in the dirt a week now.
Here's a shot of my first Bhut going strong, I'll get pics of the rest soon right now I'm at 93 earlier I counted 103 but I counted a couple empties thinking they would come up and I had several come up with the seeds still attached most came off easy but I did damage a few that dwindled rapidly, anyways here's my first pepper seedling ever still going strong :D


I'm happy with my numbers at this point as I planted so many expecting to loose a lot on my first run, the major losses are not ones I am overly concerned about it was the Thai Hots and The jalapeños I still have several of both so it's not big deal, my Bhuts are doing great so far 30 of 36 planted, the Caribbean habs also did well 22 of 29 planted, Red Savina's I got 2 of 6, 1 of 1 Chocolate Habaneros, I haven't counted the Jalapeños or the Thai peppers yet I do have 20+ Thai and at least 15 Jalapeños peppers more to come soon :D

I've made some mistakes already but have learned a lot and prepping for next year :D
Well here they are today :D

First flat is the fatalli peppers on the left and bhuts on the right.
Second flat white habs on the right, Caribbean habs in the middle, and jalapeños on the left.
Third flat is all Thai hots.
The single potted pepper on the right is a Bhut jolokia aka Gorge W. Bhut.
The single on the left is supposed to be a bhut but that remains to be seen.



They are going into larger pots this week and I have decided to pot them all vs planting. I got crappy garden soil in my beds and the jalapeños I planted are flowering and I have little fruit but the plants have shown little growth if any, this is my fault for not mixing the soil so the rest will be potted and next year I know what I need to do.