• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Essegi 2014: 1st grow! Winter is coming.

Ok, today i decided to plant seeds.
First of all i want to thank who helped me in a thread and Sarge in particular that helped me to decide what to do! :D And Lonewolf from pepperfriends forum that has helped me a lot!

My list, all from Semillas, begin of september 2013:

  • Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Red
  • HP22B
  • Trinidad Douglah
  • Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
  • Fatalii
  • Fatalii White
  • Ferenc Tender
I've planted all but Ferenc Tender seeds, i'll plant them next month or in beginning of March. If i'll plant them.
11 per type.
I've treated seeds for 15 mins in a 3% bleach solution then i washed them very well in water before planting.
During that process i lost 1 seed of Trinidad Douglah and 3 of Chocoloate Bhut Jolokia (i suppose 2 of that lost seeds were too tiny anyway).
I've used plastic glasses with an hole:

The soil, specific for seeds (here before planting):

  • PH 6-7
  • C/N 25
  • 0,6 dS/m
  • organic ferthilizer
  • neutral peat 65% volume
  • organic carbon on dry content 35%
  • organic nitrogen on dry content 11%
  • fulvic and humc carbon on dry content 11%
hope the last 4 are translated accurately...

So 62 plants in total. In a 60*100 cm table
  • I plan to grow them all by myself until i have to change the vase.
  • Then i keep 2 per type (12 in total) of them in a 2,4 L vase each (top external diameter 18 cm). It's ok for my table. The rest goes to friends and relatives.
  • Then 1 per type in a 15-20 L vase each and 1 per type in ground. Or all in vases, but probably half on ground. Of course the last vases will go outside, i have a nice spot of 15 m lenght along my house walls that is without wind and quite hot.
Room, that is heating room:

That round thing in the left is warm... I've turned on radiator on right.
Here measured temps in center table:

Considering some parallax error is 27°C or little more (hoping that thing is accurate) which is 81°F
In the night will be lower but i think still above 20°C (68°F)
There's some natural light, hope that helps.
I have to do some funny things for the light, unfortunately at home have prohibited to use drying racks that would have been perfect.
I've a 60*3 watts LED light, nearly 10K lumens. I've found a good price and more than half was a birthday present from friends...

It's the round thing.
Well, no cats or dog allowed in growing room! Hope all goes well..
PIC 1 said:
This glog was a pleasure to read........great photos of the garden and the food.
Best of luck with next years grow !
I hope at least to have rocoto pods next year (that is still dedicated to superhots), i really want to try them! ;)
Probably in late winter or early spring i should prune/trim it (i don't know if rocoto is different than other peppers in that...).
Btw that weekend i'll give some fertilizer again.

PS: there's also the "official site" of rocoto, i'll study something here :D
Will that be enough to surpass winter and spring?
Unfortunately i overstimated the sun and i had to throw away about 1/3 Moruga and Choco Bhuts... Thne i used fan-oven at 40-50°C to dry. Lesson learned for next year.


Choco Bhut


Wrong pods, reapers, some 7pods, 1 or 2 naga morich

Fatalii and Fatalii White
I could dust last 2 and flake the rest.
Nice! That winter i'll preserve just with powder, i've heard that frozen pods are good though...
Maybe 2 oncoming experiments:

I'll try to plant some giant jujubes...
And also capers. There are loads of plants growing in an old castle walls near here... That fruits have bad looking but were still on the plants and seeds doesn't seem rotten.
Now i must study about growing that.
Great first season for you, Essegi!  And nice grow log, as well!
Your stash of dried pods look great, nice work.
Will try to be better at following your grow next season - 
Have fun growing the capers...
miguelovic said:
I think your jujube tree will be about as successful as my hotdog tree.
But, that doesn't mean you should try.
I mean really, what if it worked?
But that jujubes are better than the ones you posted in the link! :D At least from the healthy point. They're still damn good to eat too. Sometimes they grow spontaneously, so who knows...
In the worst case i've wasted 50 cents of soil. :D
PaulG said:
Great first season for you, Essegi!  And nice grow log, as well!
Your stash of dried pods look great, nice work.
Will try to be better at following your grow next season - 
Have fun growing the capers...
Thanks a lot! Recently i've been a lurker of your thread and pods and photos are amazing! :D
Admitting they'll germinate i really don't know where to keep them. :P
Probably matter of 2015 glog since i should plant them in end winter-spring (though i'm tempted to experiment something now, i can always get loads of seeds next year, now it's a bit late maybe though i find many nearly dried).
In the end i just blended all:

Moruga, douglah, choco bhut, fatalii yellow and white, mix of unknown pod + 7pods + carolina reaper +1 or 2 naga morich.
I couldn't blend more finely for some issues, but i'm ok like that.
To clean the bleder i blended an onion then enjoyed it.:D
Nice pepper flakes......both pepper powders and flakes have their use in the kitchen.
Did you use a chefs knife or rolling pin to pulverize the dried pods ?........never mind, I see you used a bleder....... :lol: 
PIC 1 said:
Nice pepper flakes......both pepper powders and flakes have their use in the kitchen.
Did you use a chefs knife or rolling pin to pulverize the dried pods ?........never mind, I see you used a bleder....... :lol: 
I just have a regret after that season: i often cleaned superhots bare handed. Sometimes i used gloves in larger batches. In the former case it would have been an excellent method to knead some hot dough! :D
Wait! My 7pod plants on vase has more or less 10 pods. I must clean them bare handed then make a pizza! :D Also that plant is now green after fertilizerz. Rocoto maybe is better but not enough. I've bought some calcium magnesium additive that seems the things it needs most. I should wait a month after other ferthilizers, or at least so is stated on the pack, then use that. Probably i'll wait a bit less like 2-3 weeks, otherwise there's the possibility of colds...
PIC 1 said:
Whatever chemicals you use always skake up the liquids prior to using.
With either liquid or powder ...try to dilute the amount before applying with extra water...or if scattering the dry granulars, use less than recommended.
Thanks! It was a powder to solve on water. I followed the "recipe" on the container. Then i used some calcium cyanamide on grain, not sure it has been a good idea, but the plant did not suffer. I moved a bit the surface of the soil, put 3 teaspoons of that, then watered. After a week i made the same treatment... And the next one is that calcium magnersium in next 2-3 weeks.
Your flakes look great!
And Greg's advice is spot on, I'm a fan of half doses. You can't take back a full dose, but you can add more half doses if needed.
Again praying for rocoto:


After fertilizers new leaves are better:

I still think to ferthilize again a bit in next week since i still believe something is missing.

That the 7pod plant. I heavily trimmed it to get last pods (some of wich i already gave to an uncle) but it's really green.
So i plan to overwinter it for the second time. Probably next year i'll try a cross between this and a peach bhut...

The other plant has been eradicated, had some problems.
Piri piri:

I hope i'll have another small harvest of those.
That are from today:

100g of piri piri.
Thanks Paul!
But the best part had yet to come...
I went to my uncle place since he had too many peppers and i gave him a plant.
Sadly last week it was ruined by hail, he says that my plant was loaded with peppers, now had some only on center:

Probably another faulted moruga.
So we gathered more than 1kg of peppers:

There were some really small pods too:

And the following from the plant i gave him, there are some really nice looking pods. They're not very heavy so i believe they have a thinner flesh than moruga:







All from the same plant.
He said that next year he'll host 2 plants for me and that's nice since all grow wonderful in his place!