seed-train European Seed train...

It was shipped yesterday. I've put in what i had at hand. I think Macedonian Rheza (aka elephant trunk) is an interesting one.
serrano said:
It was shipped yesterday. I've put in what i had at hand. I think Macedonian Rheza (aka elephant trunk) is an interesting one.
I suppose what you call Macedonian Rheza is NOT aka Elephant Trunk. I suppose what you call Macedonian Rheza is in fact what they call Rezena, or Vezena paprika.
See here the Vezena/Rezena
The Elephant Trunk don't have those "cuts" on it, as far as I know.
Thanks !
1) LuckyLuke (Czech republic), package shipped 18th of September
2) rghm1u20 (Romania) - adding AaronTT's seeds to the train. Package shipped 25th of September.
3) tsurrie (Slovenia) - package shipped.
4) ErolDude (BiH)- package shipped.
5) Rory (Italy) - package shipped
6) dutchpepper (the Netherlands) - package shipped
7) Nulle (Denmark)- package shipped
8) snagglepuss (UK)- package shipped
9) jlawrence (UK) - package shipped
10) scotsbonnet (Scotland) - package shipped
11) Comptine (Sweden) - package shipped
12) Midnight Sun Peppers (Norway) - package shipped
13) serrano (Poland) - package shipped
14) LuckyLuke (Czech republic) - final station - pending receive
rghm1u20 said:
I suppose what you call Macedonian Rheza is NOT aka Elephant Trunk. I suppose what you call Macedonian Rheza is in fact what they call Rezena, or Vezena paprika.
See here the Vezena/Rezena
The Elephant Trunk don't have those "cuts" on it, as far as I know.
Yes i ment the one with cuts. I've read somwere those alternate names and it does really resemble a trunk but i'm not going to argue.
serrano said:
Yes i ment the one with cuts. I've read somwere those alternate names and it does really resemble a trunk but i'm not going to argue.
Me neither, don't want to argue, but everywhere I see Elephant Trunk it looks different, see here:'
serrano said:
In fact Macedonian is "врежани" or "vrežani" . I donŽt know how to explain you how to spell that ž , it is close to J in English, but not exactly the same.
However, Rheza or Rezha, IMHO is not the same with Elephant Trunk. Not as it looks, nor as it is as flesh, the Elephant Trunk looks to me like a crunchy one, and the Macedonian one is not. I had this in my garden in 2015.
We have a Ż in polish and i know russian so i know how it sounds and what it means. Still i was just quoting after rareseeds.
Wow just wow ... what a package full of great varieties. Thank you everyone ! We will be back in September ... for round 3  :dance:
Get the heat mat, the growlight is kinda not needed if you have a well lit window. But my radiators are definitely running out of space  :fireball:
I planted mine mid January and they have been living off the sun, so I think you who's further south will do just fine without artificial. Unless you really want some lights, that's a different thing entirely. I agree with Erol on the heat mat though.
I used too not turn the central heating on... But now with my baby boy I crank it up every morning! Can't wait for the bills

Any tips on heatmats?
dutchpepper said:
I used too not turn the central heating on... But now with my baby boy I crank it up every morning! Can't wait for the bills

Any tips on heatmats?
I would buy a heat mat and a small greenhouse together.
This it what i have:
The only bad thing about it, is that you have to care about the temperature. Over 30 Degree at the seeds is the maximum you should have.
There are several ways to do it:
- you buy a thermostate and use it toegther with the heat mat
- you use a "dimmer" to lower the heat mats temperature
- You check the temperature a few times and lay something between the heat mat and your seeds (maybe a wooden board), so the temeprature wont rise too high
ErolDude said:
Almost none of the seeds I took from the train have sprouted yet :(
I planted 18 different types and most have germinated, times ranging from 6 days for the serrano to 23 days for a hot fish. No luck with Black Hungarian, chimayo or aji charapita although they are still in the propagator, but we're at 29 days and counting so not looking too good. Anyone had any luck with the B/Hungarian?