seed-train European Seed train...

Almost every variety I sowed sprouted this year, except Datil and Habanero Cappucino, which I had from last year's train.
Got worse sprout rate in general this year, but still plenty...
How are you guys germinating your seeds? This year i sowed my seeds in coir plugs, put them inside a heated propagator and have had good resuIts, except for the varieties mentioned. Also tried a few in paper towels inside zipped bags, also put into the propagator for a bit heat, just to compare the two methods but not one of those have germinated!
I keep my paper towels in small boxes, and I check on them daily so I guess they get some air that way. I put them near a heater, not too close or they'll burn, but warm essentially. 
I've been meaning to ask, I took out seeds for what I wrote down was 'Chirimen Squash' and 'winter hux squash', my handwriting is a bit sloppy on the labels so spelling might be off, but I'm struggling to find any info on them. 
ErolDude said:
Neither of those are in my register, perhaps they were added by a user that is after me in the train station list
I had a look through that list you posted of what was in the train way back, and my winter hux was actually winter luxury  :banghead: I obviously tried to shorten it and could not remember what it was. That was silly of me, but the list you posted came in handy!
I had 8 plants going but my son got to them so now I have a lot of dirt and no pepperplants left..

Will start over with 2 varieties for indoor growing, and try again next year.

Glad I kept it small this year and didn't start with 15x3 like last year
dutchpepper said:
I had 8 plants going but my son got to them so now I have a lot of dirt and no pepperplants left..

Will start over with 2 varieties for indoor growing, and try again next year.

Glad I kept it small this year and didn't start with 15x3 like last year
I'm really sorry to hear that. Was there nothing left to salvage? If you had some bits left of the stem you could maybe put them in water and they might give off new roots? 
Trio 7 pots from the seed train:
7 pot BS Red

7 pot Burgundy

7 pot Bubblegum
I've got 76 ish plants, I'll be posting pics on the weekend :D

See that's a problem, since I have no idea where to plant them. (I live in an apartment xD) Hopefully I'll have enough pots for them all