seed-train European Seed train...


This is it. You can use my husband's hand to judge the size of the leaves.
This is it. You can use my husband's hand to judge the size of the leaves.
I don't know how I managed to delete some of the post, but somehow I did. It was supposed to say something like this:

I just managed to get 2 ripe (but tiny) peppers from my variegated plant. Unfortunately I haven't got a clue what kind it is because the person in Bulgaria that I bought it from just wrote 'Variegated' (And then came what I managed NOT to delete....)

I'll put some on the train when it gets here.
Love this idea of a European train. Once I have more forum activity under my belt, I'll join for the next trip. I'm a seed hoarder (no shame) and I'll be sure to save some extra seed from this years harvest. (This year being 2023, I'm way ahead of myself. :))