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Ever use Wine Yeast as a Starter?

Well have you?

Stopped by the beer and wine making store today to pick up a couple of bottles and air locks, going to be making some sauces soon. Talking with the owner he suggested that wine or champagne yeast could be used to get the fermentation process going. Anybody every try this or has this dude lost his marbles?
From what i know the dude is talking out of his bhut. One uses wine or champagne yeast to obtain higher alcohol content in beverages.
If you wanted to make an alcoholic sauce it may work but would probably taste like that dudes bhut!

Whey off of yoghurt or saurkraute (spl?) juice is usually used to kick off the fermentation process.
+1 Nova that guy has toi be off his bhut!

In all the studying I did prior to making my first batch of homebrew nothing ever mentioned lacto as a byproduct. You might post a question to the Ask wheebz thread and get the professionals opinion if you want. I do know that he told me once that they brewery keeps lactobacillus on hand to bring down the ph on certain beers so that would tend to negate the dudes claim. Also when a barvarian style of beer is made it is made by a process that adds the sourness to the beer. JMHO.

Well poop! The yeast was cheap so the guy didn't do it for the money.

So what I might end up doing is making a pepper wine? Or let it go for a while with some added sugar and make some pepper hooch? You know someone somewhere has already tried it. Just in case I believe I may just try it myself. :lol:
Last week I started brewing a 1 gallon batch of mead with peach and fatalii. I have no idea how it will turn out. I do know that the gas bubbling out of the air lock doesn't have that sour lactic acid smell.
beer/wine yeast will not lower the pH enough to get it into tolerable ranges for sauces because they lack specific sugar chains that beer/wine yeast break down into alcohol, which is the main preserving factor in fermented alcoholic beverages second to pH

Yes the pH will decrease, but without using a lacto strain you will never see below around a 4.7 which im sure the sauce guys will tell you just wont cut it

Now we use food grade lactic acid, not actual lactobacillus RM, in our mashes to lower the pH of the mash, but we never use it in finished product unless we are pitching a lacto strain to purposely sour a beer like a berlinerweiss or any of the other sour varieties out there
Thanks for the words of wisdom all I do appreciate them.

I chickened out I'm afraid and added a tablespoon of liquid from a jar of sauerkraut instead of going with the wine yeast. Now what to do with the yeast....... :lol:
I been watching my air lock, I'm using an S curve and the water went from the chamber closest to the cork to the chamber farthest from the cork. I believe that means the pressure in the bottle is building. Got something going on in there then. Cool.

Yogurt doesn't work for me I'm afraid. I always eat it before it sits long enough for the whey to form on top. How embarrassing.
I been watching my air lock, I'm using an S curve and the water went from the chamber closest to the cork to the chamber farthest from the cork. I believe that means the pressure in the bottle is building. Got something going on in there then. Cool.

Yogurt doesn't work for me I'm afraid. I always eat it before it sits long enough for the whey to form on top. How embarrassing.

Hey Patrick! This might help you. Get a strainer, put cheese cloth or silk screen in it. Dump the plain yogurt into the cheese cloth. Put the strainer over a bowl to catch the whey. Within an hour you will have whey. The byproduct left in the cheese cloth resembles cream cheese but better in my opinion.
I use "Probiotic Caplets" ... Available at any supermarket or drugstore.

Most contain Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, and Streptococcus thermophilus ...

$5 to $10 ... And you have enough reliable starter for alot of projects. :dance:

I just dissolve a couple of Caplets in a little water ... And add to the salted peppers ...

Keep the rest in the fridge ... No biggie.