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Everyone, please give a warm welcome to George!

Meet my new pet. I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him (very gently) and name him, "George."
George will get all the old pepper leaves he can eat.  (And the little f**ker eats a lot!)
I'll post occasional updates as he eats and poops and gains weight and eats and poops some more!
(Hey, it's better than more $%@% bunny pictures!)  :D


I found him chewing on my Yellow Brain the other evening and put him in a bowl.
The amount of poop the little #@%@# produced overnight was impressive!
Be sure to let George spend a little time outside every day.  You wouldn't want to be a bad parent and deny him the opportunity to meet playmates like Cotesia congregata.
Hawaiianero said:
Hmmmm a leaf-eater in the pepper patch,
Methinks the equivalent to keeping a fox in the hen house. I recommend you hug and squeeze him really hard :hell:
I fear I may have already done that.
I've tried to be very gentle, but once when picking him up and trying to make him let go of an old branch, he pooped a few drops of light green liquid. Since then, he's not pooped or eaten, which seems very much out of character.  Wondering if I ruptured poor George in some manner. :(
Should I take him to the vet?   :rolleyes:
If George does expire, I'll try again.
I know he has friends and siblings - I see the damage the little bastards do every day.

cone9 said:
Be sure to let George spend a little time outside every day.  You wouldn't want to be a bad parent and deny him the opportunity to meet playmates like Cotesia congregata.
Ha!  Gotta work on those socialization skills!  :)
Around here the wasps kick serious aphid ass, but I've yet to find a parasitized worm.
Having searched damaged plants very thoroughly without finding any caterpillars,  I suspect the birds are doing a decent job keeping George and his buddies from running amok.
I'm sure you'll all be thrilled to hear that George is doing well!  ;)
The little stinker is a surprisingly picky eater.  Apparently they develop a specific "taste" to match the plant they hatch on and will sometimes chose to starve rather than eat a novel plant.  I was hoping to feed him older pepper leaves, the ones that are about to drop off anyway.  Naturally, the little shit refuses them and will only eat fresh, green growth.  Well, that's not gonna happen!
Bought him a 5 cent tomato.  Nope.  :rolleyes:
Tossed in a Bishop's Hat pepper and now he's happy. (I know, someone slap me!)
There was an amusing side effect....

I hope he's suffering The Fire Anal in a big way!   :rofl:
hogleg said:
:rofl:  He's taking red shits! Have you made a tea outta his turds yet?
Kopi Cacing anyone..?
Geonerd said:
That must be the most freaking bizarre thing I've seen on the internet all day!  ;)
I'll bag them up and send them your way if you're keen for a new experience.
go for it Hogleg, all the cool kids are doing it ;)
hogleg said:
Not for drinking :rofl:  although I here its a delicacy in Kwangtung China. Guano tea for the plants, you silly geese.
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
sicman said:
No! Tell me George os O.K.? Weird sidenote,there are hornworm farms. Apparently they are great lizard food. Maybe that's what I need to do? Hornworm farm, I dig.

I used to go to a specialty reptile store years ago to buy my betta fishes flightless fruitflies and they sold boxes of live hornworms. It was cool watching the chameleons eat the worms when they fed 'em.
Those little bastards can poop more than they eat. What exactly is this guy, I had a Polyphemus moth a few years ago that looked similar, but those don't eat peppers.