• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.


Hello all:

After reading recipes on the forum that use ingredients far outside of the box in which I've been thinking, I tried to experiment a little with interesting results.

I started with some peppers from my first harvest of the season.


The little purple ones are the ones I used. They are supposedly Trinidad Seasoning, which are unfamiliar to me. This is the only plant out of 15 that turned purple. They also come in strangely varying sizes and shapes, which I suppose a topic for the pepper forum. But they are sweet, hot and delicious.

I used these with rice vinegar, carrot, garlic, fresh white peaches and a bit of cinnamon.

The result was this:


It tastes like a peach cobbler that heats your mouth and tingles your lips. I've never eaten hot sauce on ice cream, but I believe I will be soon.
Not sure if it is what I wanted , but it's what I got.

RM, the grilling does sound good particularly on chicken, pork, fish or shrimp. Thanks for the idea. Some of the recipes you have shown on here have definitely inspired some creativity.

RPM, I couldn't agree more. What is better with peach cobbler than vanilla ice cream? Maybe spicy peach cobbler hot sauce over vanilla ice cream.

It was a ridiculously fun to try whatever popped into my head and have it not suck. I've created a few of the ones that do.
