misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Y'all are drinking mid day? Are y'all drunks or alkies? Wait...alkies go to meetings, drunks go to party's. If you said yes to drunks then WIN!
Well, I'm feeling unduly doused by the respectfully thrown ice water in another thread. I cherish the sense of humors on THP, and have gotten cranky over some thin-skinned off-the-wall comments, that have nothing to do with the tea in....um....my grocery store!

f@#$ it! I'm drinking! :)
Oh he's already well. And driving me nuts! He's bored and needs to go out and run off some steam. Heather said I was to keep him home today as he had Tales From the Loo last night.

Edit: CJ don't sweat that other stuff, but go on and drink anyway. Work it girl! I work out!
I'm bored, no one is on chat tonight, my plants are growing fat and happy and I miss my friends.

Fack it, i'm drinking!

PS: Someone join me in chat!
the great witch of the west is in town,my mother in law! i may end up hanging my self in the barn,until i decide fuct it im drinking!
everything is better,, people have been dropping in all day,i have pawned any hot thing i can ,i got one old dude to do a drop or pure evil on some chocolate. then i gave his wife some jalapeno powder to take home,he took the bagie and wiped his eyes,he is crying and worried ,hahahahahahahahahahaha,lol. i feel better
Glad everything's better!!! It's fun to share the heat, isn't it?! :) Are folks dropping by to see grandaddy, or Lady Sic's mom? How's grandaddy doin' today? Scovie thinks he's on the wagon this week - and it's f-ing up my mojo!!!!! grrrr...
???????????????// scovy damnit if you are even trying to be on the wagon i will drive it. i will drive very fst crashing and smashing you off of it!! i will push you off and pour a bottle of skyy down your throat,i will push you down and sprinkle powdered alchol on your body,i hate quitters i am SIR Anti WAGON you BEtter DRInk or I KILL u!