Come on guy, you bought them from merchant(s) using Ebay. If you bought them from one dealer in a shopping mall would you boycott another dealer in the same shopping mall? Lots of fine people selling good products on Ebay. Yep, some poor product also. Wanna share a complaint I once had.
Someone wrote wanting a refund on some ghost pepper seeds. Five bucks, sent them a refund. They claimed their was a zero germination rate and that her husband was an 'expert gardener'. In addition to the refund, I sent another package of seed along with an explanation that ghost pepper germination improves with heat, the recommendation of a heating pad, and a link to the CPI page on germinating super hots. About a month later, I received a check for $10.00 and a letter explaining it was a refund of the refund and five bucks for the new seeds. I never expected it but it made my heart warm. She and her husband are now solid patrons at my online store.
I think one of the best ways to grade an Ebay seller by is how they fix mistakes and screw ups. I can not count the number of screw ups I made the last time I was in the hospital unexpectedly. When I fixed them, all but maybe three bad reviews were changed to good reviews and many of those folk migrated to my online store. It all works out in the end.