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Fall Sauce making 2014; time to make the Sauces :)

It's that time of year to start making all the goodies that make for a great tasting Holiday Season here around the, well New, launch Pad. That means making:
Flaming Pumpkin
Pumpkin Chutney
Holidaze Sauce
Boutbon Fatalii Apple Butter

Starting with Flaming Pumpkin which will get a 45 day ferment and starts like this:


(That's 3 pounds of Douglahs with that Pumpkin)

Doing it a little different this year. Last year it was made with a mix of super hots and Habaneros. This year it's going to be a Douglah sauce.

Stay tuned there's more to come.
A day late and six peppers short. I made apple butter with my son today, then found this recipe. I'll have to add fatalii peppers to next years grow. (the name scares my son "fatal"). How do you like the lemon squeezer? I see you left the seeds and skin on and Devv left only the skins. I peeled and cored mine. Will that have any affect on the final outcome. This is our first time making apple butter.
Thanks for the recipe.

And here's the applesauce. Next year I'm going to enhance it with stickmans recipe.

Now off to finish my apple butternut squash soup.
Had a nice dab of Flaming Pumpkin in some stew last night and DANG is that some HOT SAUCE and VERY Douglah tasting. I'll have to reduce the amount of peppers in the next batch so the sauce's true flavor can shine through.
Overall, it's a bit hotter than I was planning on and the flavor profile was really overshot by the Douglah peppers. It's not one that I would want to try right off the spoon but is good mixed into other things like the stew.
Well, here is it November and I'm running late in my Fall Sauces and Such so, without further eloquence,
Flamming Pumpkin 
There's been a lot of talk about sanitation, here's what I do. I get Idophor from my local Home Brew Shop and use it  Fill the jar with water and add a teaspoon per gallon.

Some of the players

Doing something a little different this year and roasting the Pumpkin a bit first

For the major heat source I'm transferring over some Ground Zero that's been brewing for about 6 months now.

And ready to go for a nice ferment

If you haven't seen my Bacon Jam yet check it out here: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/50675-bacon-jam/#entry1062207
Fatalii Bourban Apple Butter up soon, stay tuned :cool:
Nice job Bill... I was hoping you'd get around to making a ferment with those Nabascos! Deffo gotta keep an eye on this space to see how it comes out.  Lourens thinks the parentage is half King Naga and half Tabasco and I think there's a little "tetch" of Snapping Turtle in there too... ;)
On a side note... I'm still working on that bottle of Flaming Pumpkin sauce you made with the Douglahs last year. A little sure goes a long way, but it hurts so good! :fireball:
Hey Rocketman I read all your post here and I'm really excited to try some ferments. Just one question on your ferment jars are you just letting your lids sit loose on the top? I only ask cause I don't know and your crazy Douglah pumpkin jar looked really full. I was wondering if it would over flow but I guess if the lid was loose all gas could escape fast and you wouldn't have a problem.

One more since I'm here and this is obviously not your first rodeo why not an air lock? Just not worth it? Cause I seen some nice glass jars that I was thinking of picking up for my mash and I like seeing your simple process. K.I.S.S

Oh and how big are those ferment jars.
Wow, if you've read all my posts on here, you've been busy! :) The jars I use are Mt Olive Pickle Jars, the big gallon size ones. I put the lids on snug but not torqued down. When the pressure builds up enough it raises the lid and vents the CO2 out then reseals when it drops back down and yes, I've had them overflow or weep juice out. That's why I always put them into something to catch it. I don't use airlocks because with the lids working this way I really don't need them. Same kind of thing can be done with a Mason jar by turning the lid over so the seal is on the outside and putting the ring on snug enough to hold but not so tight as to prevent the lid raising a tad bit.
Hope that explains.