This is some rabbit hole we have dug ourselves. LOL
If I learned anything about growing plants in the last 51 years. It's not so different than feeding your pet dog or cat.
Our pets get RAW meat with Cooked organic veggies. After 8 Golden Retrievers I have seen how the right food makes all the difference.
Just like all the super dooper Gun lubes we collect & all the Super dooper Plant product we all know so well.
Compost, Worm castings, Ladybug organics, Espoma, blood meal, bone meal etc. Just some of the foods the plants get year round.
All ORMI approved Pesticides & Fungicides.
So what did I learn? Well everytime I took of on a new fad, like gibberellic acid & wonder vitamins & minerals for plants etc.
You don't feed a Canine crunchy biscuits after looking at their dental work. Why feed plants needless chemicals they don't really need?
As for soaking seeds in anything other than what nature provides in abundance H2O clear pure water.
Never tried anything but water, first heard about Hydrogen Peroxide this year. Might try some on the Chili Chalaca seeds that
don't seem to germinate too well.
I threw out all those Duper Duper plant wonder drugs a long time ago. Now if I can just throw out all those cool SD Wonder lubes
I wasted all that $ on at those Gun shows.

Just my .02 cents.