food Famous Passow Pizza

texas blues said:
First off..PAM!!! Did you just use a Rachel Rayism? "Delish"? Please Lawd' take me now...take me now please Jesus!! Never EVER!! use terms like that or EVOO or YUMMO. We, you included, here on the THP forum are far and away better than to resort to that sort of language here. Real cooks don't talk that way! You are forgiven now. Back to Passow...

Missed this.

But, to answer your question, I've never seen a Rachel Ray show. I only know who she is because my sister wanted one of her cookbooks a few years back.

I don't have cable, and I rarely ever turn the TV on, and that's usually for DVD's.

So, while Rachel Ray might say that, she's not the only one.
TB, wow you sure go all out for whatever your making, buying a mixer like that, yep it has to be a "chef thang' " its a very nice mixer looks good for making some nice homemade honey biscuits.
BTW those pizzas look great - thin style is the best
CH...I got that mixer at Costco for $229. It should last a lifetime. It's heavy duty enough for dough's of all kinds, batters, biscuits and especially cookies and brownies. You can get attachments like slicers, and meat grinders, even pasta dies to add to the machine. A paddle, dough hook and a whisk is all I need. I no longer buy bread, bagels, or pizza. I can make it better! Over the years I have found that the everyday guy can make his/her own hotsauce, beer, bread etc. and literally cook anything if one has a mind. Plus the internet is such a handy how to do it all thang'..problem is you have to have a little time. My gal is my inspiration...
Her: "honey...I think you should make pizza.."
He: "okay..what's the magic word?"
Her: "NOW!!!"
Cheers, TB
its made by kitchenaid so I'm sure it'll last you many years, they dont make crap.
I always thought that type of mixer was always for mixing up flour mixtures, didnt know they can be used for other things.

yea women can be so demanding at times & even being on the verge of being crazy ;) :lol:
CH.."on the verge?" When it comes to women...I will quote Sam Kinison..." hey you love me?....kill me. Please..I'm in hell!!" Cheers, TB.

On another note..the Kitchenaid is like a '57'll last forever with good care.
Before the cooking started

Finished result!

It's really good and I like the whole veggies & I like the whole fruit on my pizza.
Derek, looks good, but could you give a run down of the ingredients so I can steal the recipe?
JayT said:
I mean the toppings more than anything.

Crushed Tomatoes with my seasoning, Whole pine apple rings, Whole red peppers rings, one can of mushrooms, One bag of serengento'scheese mexican blend