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Fantasy football? (League Full)

There was one thread back in 09 about doing this but I don't think it was big enough back then. Any members interested now? We can do 10-16 people and I will set it all up if we have some folks that are about some football! First preseason game tonight.

If we end up doing this I will just have those interested send me their emails
ok we got 4 of us so far! hopefully we can get some more folks to join us. If we can get at least 8 people it would be fun to at least do a 2 QB league or something. You guys down with drafting on like the last sunday before the regular season?
sweet already got 5! so while we wait for others to join who are yalls favorite teams?

anybody remember this garbage from 2 years ago? refs should have been replaced way before this year

Lol yea with 10 people we won't need double qbs. We can do a quick vote when everyone joins on the league format. Should be great!
Yup I'm down either way,that was just my early vote :P

Create the league now? That way we can fill it as fast as possible before hand.Change the dates accordingly after.
I have my big money league Draft the 26th,plus my seats to the rangers that night. Any other day I should be g2g. Depending how the pennant race is going by then.
If we could,lets shoot for 10...at least thats my vote.
Standard PPR blah blah with a flex or two....but please NO DOUBLE QB's!

Yup, I'm good with a PPR league too.....but ONE flex. NFL.com (or CBSsportsline as it is) has a good free one with good live scoring that the scoring paramaters can be customized but I'm good with what everyone votes for Mob Rules!!
ok folks i have the league setup. everyone go ahead and send me you email so that i can get you in. Chewi i have already sent your invite. cant wait for more football tomorrow!

Almost time to eat a smokin hot pepper for the dolphins!
ok i send out invites. It looks like i screwed something up during the setup because it wont let me edit any of the information. I just realized duh that i made it an ESPN custom league instead of a League Manager version where i can edit everything. Unless you folks like the settings i can make another league correctly and we can all back out of this one.

sorry for the little screw up haha
Kill the league and remake it

yes i am doing this. whoever plugged in just back out and join the next one i send for you. my bad folks

ok the new league is up and invites are out. we should have plenty of time to get at least 4 more people.

just ordered the preseason streaming package on NFL.com! cant wait to see some action tonight