seeds-germination Faster germination experiment

Last year a buddy gave me some old tomato seeds to try to grow and I couldn't get them to germinate so I did some research and found a method to try but that didn't work either.
So today while cleaning up for winter I grabbed the set up I made and thought "Why not try pepper seeds".
So here's the set up. An aquarium air pump, a stone, tubing and a container I can make airtight or close to airtight.
The thought process is to force oxygenated water into the seed. 



I'm using seeds from last year, filled the container with warm water and I'll let it go 24 hours as a first test then plant them like I normally would. I'm gonna set the bottle on a seed starting mat to try to maintain the heat.
Maybe I should just let it go till I see roots and that way I can judge the time it takes.
Here's the blog I found the info in, of course it's the potheads that figured this out.
I'll keep this updated as I go.
Well I have not written it down but my Prik Chee Fah sprouted in one week. The other pro with using peroxide is that it get rids of any potential mold.
I'm trying to beat that time frame. I can get tomatoes to pop in 3 days most times, if I can get peppers to do that in 4-5 days then it's a success. What about that hard to germinate seeds, this might help.
I'm bored and playing!!!!
saiias said:
This video is for germinating lemon seeds but the process is similar to that is discussed here.

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He should've pulled the skins off the seeds and they would've germinated faster. I did that last year and it took 9 days vs his 12. I posted the growth here.
I used different things to soak the seeds in last year when I tried to germinate those tomato seeds but the seeds were too old. I might try a few of these methods with pepper seeds just for an experiment.
I had 5 different methods going and they were on a seed starting mat.

1, Hydrogen Peroxide(H202), water and a little Miracle Grow(MG)

2, H202 and water

3, MG and water

4, Calcium Nitrate, H202 and water

5, Calcium Nitrate, H202, MG and water
I had issues germinating every seed i purchased up until the point of doing Troy’s KISS method. I did the soaks, roughing up, the paper towel method etc and none worked anything like putting them straight into damp soil.

Since you are local to me, go to native sun nursery and get a bag of fox farm brand, happy frog mix soil. 20$ a bag. Get a seed germ heat mat and germ container/dome. Those babies should sprout in no more than a week. Dont keep the soil wet, but just damp.

Works for me, may work not so well for you. Only suggestion i have for the mat is to put a piece of metal sheeting below it (mine was on top of the garage freezer when they took off like fire crackers).

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Thanks for the tips. I don't have problems starting seeds. This is an experiment to make them germ faster.
I didn't remember the seeds yesterday till later at night so they were in that bottle for a total of 33 hours. I wanted to do just 24 but we'll see what happens. Last night about 8pm I pulled them out and set them in a damp paper towel to hold them till I can plant them as usually. They just now(11:30am) went into a small baking pan with seed starting mix, that went into a clear plastic container to act as a germination chamber to hold humidity and it's sitting on a seed mat.
Now we wait...................
Rajun Gardener said:
Thanks for the tips. I don't have problems starting seeds. This is an experiment to make them germ faster.
I didn't remember the seeds yesterday till later at night so they were in that bottle for a total of 33 hours. I wanted to do just 24 but we'll see what happens. Last night about 8pm I pulled them out and set them in a damp paper towel to hold them till I can plant them as usually. They just now(11:30am) went into a small baking pan with seed starting mix, that went into a clear plastic container to act as a germination chamber to hold humidity and it's sitting on a seed mat.
Now we wait...................

Did this work out any better at all Rajun?
I don't know, I forgot about them and a few weeks later I found them sprouted and all dried up dead.
I really need to do this again and monitor it better. Maybe after the heat mat is cleared from this seasons seeds I'll try again.
Ok cool.....I bought 4 small pumps to use for making tea this year so was thinking I may try it once the small heat mat is also clear for the year. If you do give it a go man toss an update if you get some time eh, this is very interesting.