Fatali Gourmet Jigsaw



Sawyer said:
So Nigel, did that podlet turn into anything?  How was it?
Nada, it lasted a few more days them fell off. The plant is doing great and putting out a lot of new growth, but nothing else. 
This is my view on the flavor and heat,
illWill said:
Thai x Cayenne

"Thaiyenne" lol
Unfortunately these turned out infertile for me :(
Anyway, I'd like to talk about the protection on this variety. I think it said it was a registered variety on Fatalii's site. Does anyone know what protection this pepper has? On the site it says it's "not for resale in any form." Is that even possible to do legally? It sounds ridiculous.
Excerpt from the seed description to save people time:
"This registered variety is now available for home growers and hobbyists. NOT FOR RESALE IN ANY FORM!"
Here is the link to the seed section:
Nice review.  I can't eat more than just a sliver of superhot and I don't remember the flavor from mine, just the heat.  I'll pay closer attention this year.  I'm overwintering the plant that produced the pods shown up-thread.  I really like the plant and the pods.  Not sure why mine were so much more gnarly than others I've seen, but the seed came from an original FG package.  I'll also be growing plants from seed I saved, as well as more of the originals as part of BakersPeppers trial.  Because of all the restrictions you mentioned, though, its future in my patch will be restricted to breeding stock.
Has this been tested at all? I'm not seeing any numbers anywhere about it. I'm interested in the hard data on this (e.g. F generation, and SHU).