• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


I have to say I tried my first Fatali today. This thing lit me up!
Haven't had a burn like this since I ate my first sandwich with jolokia hot sauce last summer.
I now know why its called the fatali.
I have been enjoying my fatalii for the past month. They are hotter than thai birdseye pepper and have a strong flavor to it. I think they go well with meat. Read that its a good substitute for scotch bonnets in making jerk meats. I used it to make one of my favourite thai dish. Stir fry mince pork with bamboo shoot. Its definitely a keeper for me.

Mark T
I think it is a different set of pain receptors. Defcon Creator says the same thing. He can eat Bhuts, but Fataliis kill him.
This one made me run for the milk...........
I haven't had a pepper do this to me since I first tried the Bhot/Naga Jolokia.
I think Jay T is on to something. Different peppers may very well hit different pain receptors in the mouth.
This one made me run for the milk...........
I haven't had a pepper do this to me since I first tried the Bhot/Naga Jolokia.
I think Jay T is on to something. Different peppers may very well hit different pain receptors in the mouth.

but the good news is, my digestive system can better handle extremely hot chilis now.
Last spring, can you say Nature's Drano?
Sounds like getting immune to the heat......back off for awhile and try the bhut again....... :eek:


I would rather try some of the
more interesting varieties being grown by members of this board. Im sure some of them
would Ignite my mouth like
C4 in a gas tank.
I find the Fatali heat to be more up front when first consumed too and it is gone very quickly compared to others. What interests me is you describing it having a smokey flavor to it, I use it on a semi regular basis and in the ones I have had fresh and the dried flakes from SalsaLady that she hooked me up with at the meet Sweet and fruity for me and others who have tried it not smokey.I mostly have seen smokey listed as a flavor with chocolate colored peppers unless it has been added during the powder/flake making process. Show us some pics of your Fatali pods/plants.