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food Fatalii, Naga, & Hab POWDERS!!

no probs dude, though you're right - it does suck, big time! it's my bad not yours, don't send any out unless I Paypal you first! it was still double bagged, maybe they figured due to all their sneezing that I needed to be taxed...

the problem with not declaring it is if it does get discovered (most if not all international mail is now xrayed) they may confiscate it or try to fine me so I'd rather have it declared and run the risk of having some stolen than the alternative.

that's life, eh!? I'll just chalk it up to experience I guess. they're still bastards!!!

Same thing happened to me, but when i bought naga seeds from Tony, and he sent me dried pods too, the package arrived, but with out the pods....... And it was opened by customs, and had a thing with it saying nothing was removed...... Sure, stupid Australian government.....
Well...next time you order I'll toss in some free stuff. I'm all about the underdog. ha ha Note to self.. the Aussie Gov. like Fatalii powder on their shrimps.

Flex said:
Same thing happened to me, but when i bought naga seeds from Tony, and he sent me dried pods too, the package arrived, but with out the pods....... And it was opened by customs, and had a thing with it saying nothing was removed...... Sure, stupid Australian government.....

utter utter bastards

hey Flex, how are your Nagas coming along? I've checked out your pics, very nice!!! what have you been feeding those babies?

Primo said:
Well...next time you order I'll toss in some free stuff. I'm all about the underdog. ha ha Note to self.. the Aussie Gov. like Fatalii powder on their shrimps.


I'll give them some Fatalii powder in the a**, those rotten mother******s ;) I'll get back to you on another order in the not too distant future Primo. I hope you didn't think I was blaming you because I wasn't.

life is like a bed of roses, just lookout for the pricks...
chilliman64 said:
utter utter bastards

hey Flex, how are your Nagas coming along? I've checked out your pics, very nice!!! what have you been feeding those babies?

I'll give them some Fatalii powder in the a**, those rotten mother******s :shocked: I'll get back to you on another order in the not too distant future Primo. I hope you didn't think I was blaming you because I wasn't.

life is like a bed of roses, just lookout for the pricks...

Not at all brother... I just feel bad for you. The main reason I do this is to get to know people, spread the heat, and make spare money for the garden. ha So, it upsets me when people steal from my customers. I had it happen to some seeds in Italy as well... Gone. I ended up shipping again, but putting the seeds in a plane envelope rather than my red ones. ha

Pricks...ha yes, great saying. I'll have to remember that one.

L8er brother.
