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smoking Fatties



Can stuff with whatever you want. These were pizza for the kids. I like too stick the bacon weave in the freezer, makes it a little easier to work with. Sausage chub also.

Looking good, sitting at 155* wanna hit 165*

Finished Fatties, oh my my!
MaggedOut said:
Should of wrapped em then, they looked good!
Nah that may ruin the texture of the bacon, no? Never made fatties, I think they look great. Or maybe wrap, unwrap to finish? For a good bacon color. But they look good to me.
The Hot Pepper said:
Nah that may ruin the texture of the bacon, no? Never made fatties, I think they look great. Or maybe wrap, unwrap to finish? For a good bacon color. But they look good to me.
Damn straight!
The Hot Pepper said:
Nah that may ruin the texture of the bacon, no? Never made fatties, I think they look great. Or maybe wrap, unwrap to finish? For a good bacon color. But they look good to me.
Have never wrapped them before. Always get them up too 165* just with the smoke.

They always get that dark mahogany color too. Chit, the kids didn't complain. My baby said daddy this is Bad @$$. While licking her little fingers