One year ago, I would've told you how much I despised the taste of all things chipotle, but now I have flip-flopped. I have been introduced to a few that are fantastic.
Try the following:
Cape Fear Smolderin' Chipotle- won last year's Open Fields, this stuff rocks
Art of Chipotle- forgot which one it was I bought, but it is fantastic
Wachula Chipotle Hot Sauce- I had some at the FFS this past March, and it was surprisingly good. Wachula seems to make their money on Salsa and dip and not hot sauce, but this was the one item that I bought from them.
CaJohn's Chipotle Hot Sauce- This is why CaJohn has won so many awards. It is low on the heat level, but with 170+ products he had to make something to please the masses. He now carries a KILLER CHIPOTLE, which is great too, and the hottest chipotle you will ever try.
Jim Campbell's Mild to Wild Chipotle BBQ Sauce(not the exact name, but I am in a rish to get to work)- I prefer the heat of the Fiery Habanero version, but this bbq sauce is an award winning bbq sauce, and it is spot on delicious. I was lucky enough to eat some chicken nuggets made with this stuff made by Jim last year. Easy Crockpot recipe- breaded nuggets + chipotle bbq sauce = great meal.
I hope that helps!