favorite favorite hot/super hot pepper

I am interested in a conscensus, if there is one .
I know everyone has their individual taste and heat preferences and probably enjoy many different types of hot/superhot peppers and for many different reasons. If you had to choose only one pepper and that pepper is the only one you would be able to get from now on, which one would you choose and why.
I recuse myself from starting this one off because my exposure to superhot peppers is limited only to growing them at this time. I have yet to experience a truely hot pod.
Decent heat, but TASTY. Fresh or dried, you can't lose. Just an awesome all around pepper. Goes great in anything from a salad to desert.
7 Pot Burgundy. Phenomenal flavor and gives a good burn. A close second is 7 Pot Brown.  The 7 Pot Brown has great flavor (not quite on the level of the 7 Pot Burgundy, but if more earthy tones suit your palate better it might be more suited for you), and beat you up kind of heat.  Great flavor/heat combination, but it might not be an every meal kind of pepper for you because of the extreme heat.
Datil. Good all purpose pepper. Good heat. Great in a sweet or vinegar based sauce, or by itself.
We will never stop having these in this town. If every other place had run out of peppers, they would still be here.
Probably the bhut jolokia as a powder or flake. Great flavor dried and while it is very hot, it isn't over the top hot like the TSBT is.
My favorite fresh pepper this year has to be the monzano, hands down.
While not supers the Bahamian Goat Pepper and Scotch Bonnet have to be my all time favorite hot peppers.  For superhots the Peach and White Bhut are right up there for flavor profile.
 Has 'heat you can eat' with really great flavor.  Grew fast, set pods quickly and is producing a great yield.
Thank you Patrick for sharing this with us.
Cumari do para, hands down no question. 
Favourite super would be 7-pot primo.
Favourite very hot would be SBJ7
KingChile said:
I like Cheiro Roxas, SB7Js and CGN 21500s

Nigel u know anyone who sells the Cumari du para been wanting to try them
Try Justaguy or Pr0digal_son right here. 
If you like Cheiro roxa and CGN21500 so much, you need to try Fidalgo roxa and Fidalgo amerelia from Ajijoe. 
Great responses so far, I am seeing names of peppers I have not heard of before and that sparks my curiosity. great descriptions of what to expect from some of these favorites too.kinda makes me want to grow everything!!