favorite Favorite Jalopeno

I was originally staying away from growing varieties that are available at local markets and save space to grow the stuff that would be hard to get my hands on, but have decided after buying a hab and anaheim plant from my nursery that I might as well grow a few other "staple" varieties as well. I want to grow a jalopeno but not sure which one, as i think the only ones i've ever tried are the ones at the store labeled simply that. I'm curious as to what you guys think of biker billy, M, Tam, Goliath, Mucho Nacho or any others that I haven't stumbled upon in my research. I'm leaning towards the mucho nacho, with no real particular reason, but wanted to get all your thoughts before making the final call.
Hay 12

I grow 50 plus plants of Mucho Nacho every year this one including, taller plants thicker, larger fruit, more prolific in my opinion and hotter over all! good choice.:)
I grow TAM for pickling, Senorita for my friends who can't take the heat, and Ixtapa X3R to make sauces with and my
personal consumption.
I'm growing the New Mexico Vaquero this year, and hope it lives up to its billing. I also like the NuMex Jalamundo for the same reasons others like the Mucho Nacho.
Awesome, much nacho it is then. You know, I thought I picked a good assortment of peppers to grow and be content with for my first season, and the more I read this forum the more my want list grows and grows lol.
Get used to it. Pretty soon you will be out of garden room just like the rest of us ;-)

Awesome, much nacho it is then. You know, I thought I picked a good assortment of peppers to grow and be content with for my first season, and the more I read this forum the more my want list grows and grows lol.
For both heat and size... the Jalapeno M and Biker Billy Hybrid are definitely at the top, with similar sizes but the BB being slightly hotter. But seriously, both of them are somehow able to kick my ass in ways that even extra-hot Chinenses aren't able to do, and such a minor heat difference is nothing to me--IMO, they're both very nicely heated, damn hot. A third good variety is the Early Jalapeno, which IMO has the best flavor but is disappointingly small in size. I think I'll try growing it either next year or the year after though, and see if pinching the early buds improves the size of the peppers, because I have a feeling that my plants were somewhat stunted last year for this reason.

I can't say much about the Mucho Nacho Hybrid, other than the fact that it wasn't good enough to remember anything about. But the Mammoth Jalapeno... DO NOT get that variety. I admit that I didn't actually eat any of them, because the plant was overall just so disappointing and it really pissed me off. The Mammoth Jalapeno had practically no corking so it was extremely bland looking, and before the first pepper even ripened and turned completely red, it basically exploded. I walked up to the plant one day, anticipating the first ripening pepper. What I actually saw were ants having a field day running in and out of the pepper, and I immediately pulled it out of the ground. Put it out to the curb and sprayed it with ant insecticide (revenge... hey, sorry, I was pissed...). There were some peppers left to ripen, but if they'll pop before they can ripen, I don't want them.

Mammoth Jalapeno... a horrible, horrible plant. Avoid it for sure.
My favorite (right now) is the "Early" Jalapeno. They are on the small side, but they have great flavor, and are the hottest I have had. Plus I like the compact plants, makes them easy to keep in a smaller container for those with limited space like me. I have had some good "Mucho Nacho" in the past too.
In recent years I've grown Jalapeno M, Biker Billy, and Grande. They are all great, but heat and size wise Biker Billy and the Grande were the best.
in the past my favorite was always Biker Billy. i'm growing giant jalapeno this year (from judy at pepperlover.com) and am excited for it - i have 2 plants and they're both loaded with flowers. planning on making some oversize poppers with the giant jalapenos. i've had good luck in the past with mucho nacho also. it's not a jalapeno, but i also grow a few santa fe grandes - love them for salsa and poppers.