• Politics are not permitted. There's plenty of places to discuss that elsewhere, and a hot pepper forum is not the place. Thank you for respecting the community!

Favorite Records of the Year - 2016

1. Spotlights | Tidal
2. Khemmis | Hunted
3. Highly Suspect | The Boy Who Died Wolf
4. Testament | Brotherhood of the Snake
5. Gojira | Magma
6. Suffocate for Fuck Sake | In My Blood
7. Oathbreaker | Rhea
8. Sister | Stand Up, Forward, March!
9. Deftones | Gore
10. David Bowie | Black Star
BEST OF THE REST (in no particular order)
The Lions Daughter | Existence is Horror
Church of Misery | And Then There Were None
Amon Amarth | Jomsviking
Architects | All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us
Dinosaur Jr. | Give a Glimpse of What Ya Got
Kristen Kontrol | X-Communicate
Katatonia | The Fall of Hearts
Radiohead | A Moon Shaped Pool
Alcest | Kodoma
An Autumn For Crippled Children | Eternal
Downfall of Gaia | Atrophy
King Dude | Sex
Lost in Kiev | Nuit Noire
Opeth | Sorceress
Wreck & Reference | Indifferent Rivers Romance
Metallica | Hardwired...To Self Destruct
Hinds | Leave Me Alone
Killswitch Engage | Incarnate
Bleached | Welcome the Worms
Switchblade | Switchblade

