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[Feb 20] What are you working on this week? Group activity log

I was also gonna say save the muscle relaxers and pain pill until the beer starts to flow, then you'll forget you have a back, much less back pain! Seriously though, I hope you heal up quickly.... nothing worse than being down because of back pain. 
The Hot Pepper said:
Pure Evil's cousin, Pure Black?

nightmares snip.PNG
Thanks guys!!   This place rocks. 
Great idea to do this boss.  You're the f'n man. 
SL....That sauce looks absolutely amazing!  Love the label too. 
This thread is wayyyyyy better than prez talk. 
Thanks, t0mato, I'll post pics when it's all packaged up ;) 
It's nice to catch up on things.  Like the Boss said, I never go into the glogs or flogs either.  Doesn't mean I'm not interested in what's happening with people though.
It's also nice to see the various people from different niches of the forum post in one place! I look forward to all the updates to come.
Like I said these will be new each week too so no huge thread problems, just new posts, and we can follow anyone's progress if they want us too. ;)
It’s been awhile away from planting. Took the entire 2016 season off to retire and move to AZ.
Just getting over some nasty viral cold crap. Week and a half with it. Wife has had it for nearly three weeks. Doc says nothing you can do but wait it out.
Potted up seedlings to solo cups, some 150 or so. I need to get it down to 100 or less. Now that I have moved from Cali to AZ, I am water haul until I dig a well so I will not be able to have as many plants as I have had in the past. Need to meet some local Chile Heads near Kingman AZ to share the wealth. Really hate to start tossing stuff but it looks as I’ll have no choice.
Retirement is great. Do what I want when I want. Painted a synthetic rifle stock a couple of days ago. It came out ok. Just wish it was a little darker tan than it is. I’ll take her out and scratch her up a bit before I do a do over.
Put lighted license plate, horn and mirror on my Polaris Ranger. Here in AZ you can register them and drive them on the road (I love this place!)
Now that the rain has past, time to get on my old tractor and attack and clear some more Cholla. I really like cactus but truly hate Cholla. It gets tracked everywhere and gets into everything. Forget walking barefoot anywhere.
I brought some really cool cactus from my property in Cali and planted it and the Jack Rabbits out here nearly ate all of it (these guys are as big as dogs, much bigger than Cali Jacks). I only wish they would eat that dang Cholla!
Between Deer, Rabbits, Pack Rats, and Ravens I’m guessing I will have my hands full protecting my plants. Oh did I mention it’s free range out here, so I also deal with large herds of cattle walking across my property.
Seriously I would have it no other way. I absolutely love it out here.
Made some Reaper Beef Jerky and some Chile De Agua Jerky from some dried peppers I had and ground to powder. Used SmokenFire’s recipe. Don’t grind Reaper powder on a cold rainy day with your windows closed. I knew this but proceeded anyways. Wife had a fit. The Reaper Jerky is a little over the top. Son took some to work as a prank. The Chile De Agua came out perfect. Great recipe SmokenFire. The ginger really sets it apart!
Wife is making Tacos tonight so it looks like I’ll be pulling out the last of my Lucky Dog Black Label.
Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow?
Let's see... aside from regular work, this past week/weekend:
- Took a kayak roll clinic and considered where my and my friends' first kayak adventure will be this spring,
- Registered for this summer's National Senior Olympic Games and made related travel/hotel arrangements,
- Had a time trial on the 50m sprint (track) then looked up the times of the Top 10 in my age group on the NSGA website and found I beat all 10 during my trial,
- Had a cortisone shot in my hamstring tendon,
- Went to a baby shower that I was less than excited about going to but then decided it was ok as a full meal and wine were flowing (no stupid shower games!),
- Went out to dinner with a friend and had some awesome sushi,
- Reconnected with my running coach to ensure he will be working with me before Nationals,
- Had sessions with two of my swimming coaches, and
- My usual workouts (swim, run, weights, cores.)
This week, also sans regular work:
- Make the final design for the gift I'm making for the chick whose shower I went to,
- Take some out-of-town friends out to dinner,
- Watch the 4-day Horizon League conference swim meet finals on live streaming/video and yell for my favorite team as if they can hear me,
- Have my first session with my new personal trainer,
- Talk with my running coach to look into what it would take to get some high jump training,
- My usual workouts, and
- Try to convince myself it's really too soon to start hot pepper seeds and that it really is better to wait for March.
And maybe I am trying to one-up Phil with this! :P
Ann - love the new sauce!
Still researching peppers vs pain.
Tending my 6 old plants and the 9 December babies out in the winter shelter while trying to patiently wait until it's time to extract the old folks for the repotting. Tending another batch of new babies and germinating a few more seeds inside the house.
Also wondering if it's worthwhile to plant my trimmings from October and November that have been parked in a pitcher of water in the window ever since. After growing new leaves and many flowers, they're finally growing some roots. Too bad the roses I buy my wife won't stay nice for months.
     I thought that was Scovie that wrote this because of the avatar. This is the weirdest thing to imagine coming out of that dude's mouth. (Scovie has a swimming coach?! :shocked: )
geeme said:
Let's see... aside from regular work, this past week/weekend:
- Took a kayak roll clinic and considered where my and my friends' first kayak adventure will be this spring,
- Registered for this summer's National Senior Olympic Games and made related travel/hotel arrangements,
- Had a time trial on the 50m sprint (track) then looked up the times of the Top 10 in my age group on the NSGA website and found I beat all 10 during my trial,
- Had a cortisone shot in my hamstring tendon,
- Went to a baby shower that I was less than excited about going to but then decided it was ok as a full meal and wine were flowing (no stupid shower games!),
- Went out to dinner with a friend and had some awesome sushi,
- Reconnected with my running coach to ensure he will be working with me before Nationals,
- Had sessions with two of my swimming coaches, and
- My usual workouts (swim, run, weights, cores.)
This week, also sans regular work:
- Make the final design for the gift I'm making for the chick whose shower I went to,
- Take some out-of-town friends out to dinner,
- Watch the 4-day Horizon League conference swim meet finals on live streaming/video and yell for my favorite team as if they can hear me,
- Have my first session with my new personal trainer,
- Talk with my running coach to look into what it would take to get some high jump training,
- My usual workouts, and
- Try to convince myself it's really too soon to start hot pepper seeds and that it really is better to wait for March.
And maybe I am trying to one-up Phil with this! :P
Ann - love the new sauce!
Been digging through my art and putting pen to paper again.

Needing to germ seeds but to lazy to do it.

Working seven days a week with two young children is a PITA.

Have several batches of sauce chilling in fridge that need to be finished.

Planning a trip to KS in April. Just me driving the kids.

Wanting to start to lead a more simple lifestyle looking at all this crap I should sort but scared to start.

Having a book I want to finish but scared to start cuz what if it sucks.

Life Shiz mane. Life Shiz.
salsalady said:
....just trying to say there's no way geeme is old enough for the SENIOR Olympics.  :lol:
One only has to be 50. And yeah, I was only 50 only a few years ago. ;)
Thanks for the compliment, but I am not shy about my age. The way I see it, the vast majority of people younger than me will be lucky if they are in half as good of shape as I am right now when they are in their 40's. The stereotypes of older Americans are primarily based on old studies done solely in nursing homes. There really is a good-sized segment of older people in this country who will never see the inside of one of those places other than to visit someone else.
geeme said:
One only has to be 50. And yeah, I was only 50 only a few years ago. ;)
Thanks for the compliment, but I am not shy about my age. The way I see it, the vast majority of people younger than me will be lucky if they are in half as good of shape as I am right now when they are in their 40's. The stereotypes of older Americans are primarily based on old studies done solely in nursing homes. There really is a good-sized segment of older people in this country who will never see the inside of one of those places other than to visit someone else.
We know a lot of super-active seniors....like a 75 year old couple who do bike marathons and running marathons several times a year.  :crazy:   Anyway, it was meant as a compliment, so that's all sorted out, and geeme is one kicka$$ chic!