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[Feb 20] What are you working on this week? Group activity log

Keep us updated geeme that is exciting news indeed. What are the chances of the olympics?
Jury Duty. meh..
Not today but I have to call tonight after 6:PM to see if I have to go tomorrow. 
I'm thinking about dousing myself with Alaskan Fish Fertilizer for cologne.
Just spent 6 hours in the classroom.......Company always sends us to do safety training in the winter months when were off.....Im good to go for another year...WHIMIS....Workplace Safety and Workplace Harassment and Violence.
The Hot Pepper said:
Keep us updated geeme that is exciting news indeed. What are the chances of the olympics?

Thanks, and will do!
My chances? I had a time trial for the 50m (track) a couple weeks ago. Then I looked up the top 10 in my age group and found that I had beat all 10 in my trial. Ok... we don't know who will age up from one to the next, so lemme look up the top 10 in the age group below mine. I beat all 10 of them in my trial, too! So I have good reason to believe that I will at least progress from the prelims to the finals. Other than that, one never knows who is going to participate in Nationals from one Games to the next, so I hope to shave at least half a second off before the real deal. I haven't had a time trial for the 100m yet. Of course, all this assumes I stay injury-free between now and then!
For the swimming..... Let's just be honest and admit I am a much faster runner than I am a swimmer. At the last Games (2015) I placed silver in the 200 back in my age group. Ain't that nice? Well, yes it is, but don't tell anyone that there was only one other swimmer in my age group who did the 200 back that year! :lol:  Actually, I placed in the top 10 of a few other events, but just ribbons, no other medals.
Last year was my first time ever participating in a track meet so I am still astonished that I can even do this, let alone be competitive. The 2019 Games will be in New Mexico, so it will be easier for Ann and CJ to participate. HINT, HINT! You chickas look the sports up (nsga.com) and start preparing now! I know CJ's been a swimmer and I'd love to see her there in 2019!
stettoman said:
I'm learning a new trade from one of the worst teachers I think I've ever had. Then again, she's attempting the old sow's ear/silk purse gig: She thinks she's going to turn a 30-year hands-on paint contractor into an accounting savvy office girl.
I got this, but she can't know it. I need her to think she's really working for the prize.... ;)  ;)
Well, I done screwed that pooch.
She gave me two years of a clients bank statements to enter into QuickBooks and reconcile. She said if I could get it done in ten to 14 days I'd get a cookie.
Took me all of a day and a half. NO MISTAKES.
She's on to me. I will NOT get a break from here on out.
The cookie? She's turfing the ENTIRETY of the fee to my little empty and decrepit personal checking account....Not the easiest nor fastest three grand I've ever made, but it's been a while.... :drunk:  