contest February Throwdown

Seasonal for which hempisphere? It's summer here.

Roast what? Roasting is a cooking method so it could be anything edible that has been roasted really.

Pizza TD II could be an option.

Howzabout deep fried goodness? Can go crazy on this one :) Mmmmm pulled pork with a cheese and gravy center wrapped in bacon and crumbed then deep fried served on a bed of slaw. :think:
I was looking at a cheesecake at WallyWorld today and wondering how I could make one with chiles in it. :rofl: SERIOUSLY!
Unfortunately I have no Chocolate Habs left, but I do have some Fatalli's. I love Chocolate Hab Cheesecake, but will have to work on a Fatalli version.
ain't nuthin "fresh" around here in the dead of winter buried under 3 feet of snow unless you consider potatoes and root vegetables (rutabaga, turnip, carrot and parsnip) out of the root cellar "FRESH".

desserts could be fun...since the "sweetest day of the year" is right around the corner~~~

My darling sweet wife mrs. blues packed up every 'thang but my favorite cast iron skillet just yesterday. I'm out for this one although I could go for a meatloaf or roast t-down.
She's off to Tejas next week. Ironically, my job is kickin' ass! Teh big dry ditch still sucks.....

I was looking at a cheesecake at WallyWorld today and wondering how I could make one with chiles in it. :rofl: SERIOUSLY!

tacos are always good, and does TB even have any cookware left? I wonder if he could do microwave carnitas.
i could definitely do taco's

and yea nothing is fresh here right now, there's snow all over the ground

I will not do desserts though

I hate dessert, i dont eat sweet stuff, and im not gonna spend a bunch of money making food that I dont eat

My vote is for Taco's or Burgers

make it easy and simple

you cant really go seasonal either, because everyones seasonal foods vary far too much
Here's a list of TD's from the beginning-

mac and cheese
stick it- food on a stick
stuff it- sausages
comfort food- 2 sides
holy smoke (smoked foods)
superbowl snack foods/finger foods
regional/ethnic- you choose the region/ethnic
secret ingredient- mango
pie- sweet or savory
grillin' and chillin'- grilled food and a drink
where's the beef?- beef-less burgers
oktoberfest- entree and oktoberfest beer
bajou battle- cajun cooking
chopped- (TV show/use these ingredients-cornish hen, swiss chard, melba toast and chiles)

burgers have been done twice, once with beef, and once without beef.

And I agree with DTS that "what's in season" is ...seasonal! I've thought of that same point before when we had all the summer bounty available and it was winter down under.
...well, seems that it's also the season to be moving.

I just got the word that I have to be at a new jobsite in New Orleans on Monday morning, so packing the trailor and out the door this morning. Already have a rent house lined up, utilities turned on, but internet connection won't be on till later in the week... dang it!

My vote would be for tacos ...with no room for my BBQ pit this trip, no real time to set up the kitchen (let alone unloading the trailor itself), tacos are already on the menu. :)

...we will be about 5 miles from the French Quarter--- just in time for Mardi Gras. :dance: :beer: :dance: :woohoo:

Well, since ya didn't SAY anything, I'm supposing that means ya ain't got NUTHIN.... damn, TB, are you stuck eating out for the duration???
no worries, TB...from your posts, it appears to be worth the temporary discomfort for you to be back where you have longed to be.

And for the rest of us............enjoy the respite........cuz when TB come back, y'all know it will be with both hands, the grill and some CI blazin'!!!!
ACTUALLY!!!! this recent discussion of members in transition is an inspiration for a TD!

Food on the Move
...use only movable cooking equipment, or a campfire, maybe an electric burner stove, trailer burners, an electric toaster oven, the little 8"x16" propane BBQ grill......anything portable!

just an idea~~~
My kitchen is packed up which is what I thought I posted earlier but alas no....No t-down foo foo for a spell for moi.
Well, you did post that, but I would have thought the missus would have left you with some type of cooking implements. Almost seems like cruel and unusual punishment - - are you sure she loves you??? No weapons of mass food stupefaction within TB's reach..... can't....... comprehend.......
This may be focused more on our US members but how about super bowl party foods. That doesn't have to mean burgers, wings, and chips. It could be just about anything. Probably something that you could eat with your hands.
I have a completely different idea. Why not a Create Your Own Hot Sauce and use it as a highlight ingredient in two dishes (one main, one side) throwdown? Bonus points for originality of sauce.
ain't nuthin "fresh" around here in the dead of winter buried under 3 feet of snow unless you consider potatoes and root vegetables (rutabaga, turnip, carrot and parsnip) out of the root cellar "FRESH".

desserts could be fun...since the "sweetest day of the year" is right around the corner~~~

I was looking at a cheesecake at WallyWorld today and wondering how I could make one with chiles in it. :rofl: SERIOUSLY!

tacos are always good, and does TB even have any cookware left? I wonder if he could do microwave carnitas.
Maybe a TD using fresh snow? On second thought that's not a great idea, 'cuz not everyone has fresh snow :lol:
I'm down for a burger TD foremost, but it's been done a couple times already, but still a good idea :) How about a 'Tailgate' TD? Any tailgating food, including chicken wings - bonus if served from the back of your vehicle :)
i will be leaving my nice kitchen and moving to one with the counter space equivalent of my computer desk, and an ELECTRIC STOVE TOP!!!!!!!!!

its gonna suck, bad

guess im going to Pi's house to cook my throwdown
That's some funny stuff there. My kitchen is woefully under equipped.
Sorry - gotta side with JT on this - it's 6F here now, windchill down to -3 ATM. Love you bunches, TB, but have you ever been in single-digit to negative-digit temps???? No name-callin' unless you have, and LOVED it.

I don't care how long I live here - I will NEVER get used to that, and think anyone who says they are is just plain nuts..... Thank goodness it's only gotten down to -28F once since I moved here..... that just BITES.

But let us know - do you at least have the ability to do a Food on the Move TD?