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Feeling like a proud parent, a show of hands

So who here feels like a proud parent when your seeds turn to seedlings, then plants and then producers? Watching your little guys grow to adults and have offspring of their own?

yes, that is my hand raised.

I check on em every day sometime 2 or 3 times. Get excited when i see a new leaf starting or one popping through the soil. Have to get the whole family down to check it out. LOL
For the kids it is like a scienc experiment as they are getting to see how it all starts. Even got the 12 yr old starting her own little science experiment with an empty 2 liter bottle of soda and some plants she got out of the yard.
Dude you need to get out more. I mean yeah it's cool to get excited about being involved in growing a plant but I don't think I've ever grabbed the fam and made them share in the ooooing and ahhhhing. You have kids so you know what being a real parent feels like, not sure how you can compare watching a seedling grow to that. If I got fired up every time a new leaf popped I would be spending half my time jumping up and down and wouldn't get anything else done. Your 12 year old is going to discover there are many things a heck of a lot more exciting than watching a plant grow real soon. As for you I would suggest you find some new hobbies to fulfill your life. Can you imagine the amount of sheer terror and fun you would have if you tried collecting stamps? Wow!

Ah heck. OK I'll admit my hand is up too. I thought if I wrote that gibberish I could start to believe it, that I wouldn't be such a pepper geek myself. I mean I break out the micro caliper every freaking day to see how much the leaves have grown! I have graphs of growth in height, I use a very fine head lice comb to smooth out the hair on roots! You only check on them two to three times a day? Geez man I spend hours in their room every day! I go without sleep if I see mold! I've got names for all of them for God's sake! You think you're proud? You don't hold a candle to me!!! AAUUUGGGHHHH!!!

Sorry about this, I woke up feeling like being an idiot today. It's good to be excited about growing peppers and sharing it with the family. That's a good reason for doing it. Best of luck to you man.
LOL not doing the comb or calipur....yet.

Alot of the times they are actually asking me how they are doing so there is that, hehehe. Guess the excitement is that it is my first time growing from seed
Dude you need to get out more. I mean yeah it's cool to get excited about being involved in growing a plant but I don't think I've ever grabbed the fam and made them share in the ooooing and ahhhhing. You have kids so you know what being a real parent feels like, not sure how you can compare watching a seedling grow to that. If I got fired up every time a new leaf popped I would be spending half my time jumping up and down and wouldn't get anything else done. Your 12 year old is going to discover there are many things a heck of a lot more exciting than watching a plant grow real soon. As for you I would suggest you find some new hobbies to fulfill your life. Can you imagine the amount of sheer terror and fun you would have if you tried collecting stamps? Wow!

Ah heck. OK I'll admit my hand is up too. I thought if I wrote that gibberish I could start to believe it, that I wouldn't be such a pepper geek myself. I mean I break out the micro caliper every freaking day to see how much the leaves have grown! I have graphs of growth in height, I use a very fine head lice comb to smooth out the hair on roots! You only check on them two to three times a day? Geez man I spend hours in their room every day! I go without sleep if I see mold! I've got names for all of them for God's sake! You think you're proud? You don't hold a candle to me!!! AAUUUGGGHHHH!!!

Sorry about this, I woke up feeling like being an idiot today. It's good to be excited about growing peppers and sharing it with the family. That's a good reason for doing it. Best of luck to you man.

So epic. Lmao!

One hand up, though we're not quite as obsessive about the plants' day-to-day growth.

The important things is that you're teaching your kids to develop a love for growing/planting/eating what you're growing.

Good job. And keep the enthusiasm.
One hand up, though we're not quite as obsessive about the plants' day-to-day growth.

The important things is that you're teaching your kids to develop a love for growing/planting/eating what you're growing.

Good job. And keep the enthusiasm.

Thanks catherinew
When I grew up we always had a garden and always helped my dad as much as I could from tilling to planting to picking. One of my earliest memories is planting a peanut that we had gotten from a nursery or some place like that. Watching it gow and seeing the diff stages.
My older kids never got a chance to experience that as I lived in a city when they were younger. Trying to get my youngest son and my GF's two daughters into it. Hopefully they will take that with them and teach their kids someday
Oh yeah! Count me in man! I'm so proud of them my gf said that i love them more than her on multiple occasions. Lmao! I'm always farting around in there and some even have names already. I also have kids... Three to be exact. They are 12, 10 and 2. The oldest 2 both have there own plants. Lol i told them they have to eat a pod once there grown. They can pick any pod they want (prolly the smallest)... Haha they try all kinds of hot stuff and love my cooking. Last year they were eating pods whole but not suppers. Lmao... The baby loves them too. He has to be in there every time I'm messing with them. He says stuff like "hi peppers" and "night night peppers" all the time. ItI was so funny because i won't to menards the other night to get pvc to build a stand for my new hid's i bought and when we pulled up he was saying "lights lights". I told her he knows what I'm doing and she said no he don't. Ha! That little shit proved her wrong and said "lights, lights, peppers, lights"... He's actually almost 2 was loling at that. Pooh and btw he likes hot sauce i made last year on all kinds of stuff! I'm just about proud of my peppers as my boys! Sorry for rambling but that's what this thread is about right?
Dude you need to get out more.

Sorry about this, I woke up feeling like being an idiot today. It's good to be excited about growing peppers and sharing it with the family. That's a good reason for doing it. Best of luck to you man.

Pat you would less cranky if you spent more time with your peppers... Bahahaha you and "snarky" both.
Pull'n your chain, Grow on Brotha!
Hello, my name is Charlie, and I'm a pepper-holic. It all started about 3 years ago. At first it was just 3 or 4 a year, but now I'm buying lights and growing 72 @ a time. I didn't think I had to big of a problem until I realized the sole purpose of me going home for lunch everyday is just so I can check on my baby peppers. My child is in daycare 10 blocks away from that and I don't even check on her. I'm about damn positive Dave Chapell edited Rick James saying "Cocaine is a hellofa drug" the actual interview he said "peppers are a hellofa drug"
Hello, my name is Charlie, and I'm a pepper-holic. It all started about 3 years ago. At first it was just 3 or 4 a year, but now I'm buying lights and growing 72 @ a time. I didn't think I had to big of a problem until I realized the sole purpose of me going home for lunch everyday is just so I can check on my baby peppers. My child is in daycare 10 blocks away from that and I don't even check on her. I'm about damn positive Dave Chapell edited Rick James saying "Cocaine is a hellofa drug" the actual interview he said "peppers are a hellofa drug"

How can I earn my "PA" chips?
First step, admitting you have a problem :rofl:
"Raises Hand"

I don't even eat them but I love to grow stuff. Got Potatoes going now. Love to watch stuff grow. Now they need to grow damnit!!!!
I raise my hand too! I guess this site is just Paradise for us.

My niece tells her friends that I'm nuts...... That I spend most of my time looking at my plants like if I'm forcing them to grow ... LOL.....

(keep growing :D)
