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fermenting Ferment peppers together with fruit.

I have never tried to make a fermented pepper mash before but after reading about it here on the forum I have decided to give it a try and make a mash with my habanero lemons.

I have picked 15 habanero lemon peppers that I will use but most of them are very small so it will only give me a little amount of mash. The weight of the peppers are 25g (0,06 lbs). After reading alot of recipies i was thinking about making a fruity sauce with mango and/or pineapple.

Would it be a good idea to ferment the fruit together with the peppers, or is it better to make a small amount of pure pepper mash and then make a sauce together with the fruts?

Hope that you will share your thoughts about this.
Hi soderiage,
Welcome to the forum and to the world of fermenting peppers. I have a Jamaican style sauce that i make which has Golden Raisins, Pineapple and Sweet Potatoes in it. As they go through the fermentation process though it is not a sweet sauce. So, to answer your question, yes you can run the fruit through the fermentation process as part of the mash however as the Lactobacillus bacteria eat sugar it will not be a sweet sauce. It will retain the flavor of the fruit(s) that you use though. Now if your want to keep the sweetness you could just add the fruit after the mash has finished fermenting or you could add some of it to the mash and more after. I usually run it all through except for the pineapple so that it adds just a touch of the sweet to the flavor profile. Hope this helps.

+1 RM for that description above.

I've not tried using a sweet potato before.
Might just do so this weekend with a bunch of orange habs.
Do you recommend dice,or...shred,or...puree?
Yeah I blew a few minds when I used it in my Jamaica Me Hot Sauce. There are reviews of it at:


if your interested in what they had to say about it. I matchsticked them and then cut them in half so that they weren't so long. But I think that shredding them would be good to. It really gave the sauce a great consistency, very creamy. You'll love it.

Thanks for your reply. I think I will make a small batch of habanero and mango mash just to try it. I will only ferment i for a short time and then taste it. Then I can change the recipe if i like and make a new mash.
I am looking forward to do this next week.
Sounds good just remember your going to loose sweetness but keep flavor. Primary fermentation is typically done in like 3 to 5 days. Given all the extra sugars that are going to be in there from the fruit though I'd recommend letting it run for at least 10 to 14 days. After that it's just aging and getting better and better. Also are you going to use a starter? If you do make sure and leave a good air space in the fermentation vessel as your going to get a very strong start. I had to put mine in another container as it was leaching liquid and Inwas having to clean it up daily till it settled down. Good luck with it, have fun with it and mist importantly here, post pictures of it. We ALL love our pepper porn. :cool:

This week I started my fermentation but it doesn't seem to work.
I started it on monday evening. I chopped habanero, mango and carrot into small pieces and put them i glass jar. I then added 8% (weight) of salt and mixed it with the other ingredients. After a few hours I added some water just to cover the vegetables. I use a airlock to prevent the air to enter.

On tuesday evening I added som starter from youghurt since nothing had happend. On wednesday evening there were still no sign of activity so I added some more starter from yoghurt.
Now it is thursday and there is still no sign of any fermentation.

Is it normal that it take so long time for the fermentation to start or have I done something wrong?
I hope you can help me.
i have a small pile of hots waiting to be turned into something magic, this thread has inspired me.  i love the sweet potato addition idea, i may use raspberries instead of pineapple, now i can't wait
Yogurt starts quickly, check the ingredients on the tube of yogurt you bought. ASTRO (green natural label) is the only supermarket one I used before I went powder, the rest have allot of additives.